orbis cantus


Harris vs Trump: Saturn vs Uranus

An astrologer's ability to predict is more of a divinatory art than an actual science. That's for the best. Reality is too complex to be reduced to a few symbolic cycles. Chaos cannot be described at first glance. Paradoxically, we realize that from this maelstrom is born the order of the world. The astrological act is at its best when it seeks not to predict, but to understand, to search like a tracking dog for the scent of probability and, in the end, to weave a thin Ariadne's thread.

Context is king. It is from this perspective that I attempt a discussion of the current American election. I've dealt with the subject twice in my articles Astrological Analysis of the Candidates in the 2024 US Presidential Election and Astrological Portrait of a Verdict. While I "predicted" that it would be difficult for Biden to continue his race, I couldn't identify the real causes of his withdrawal. I also sensed that Harris would see the tide suddenly turn for her.

With fifty days to go before the election, we can certainly refine our perceptions.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is a Saturnian woman (so were Margareth Tatcher and Elizabeth II). Most of her career milestones have been associated with saturnian transits. 

  1. 1990: Assistant District Attorney: ,  , .
  2. 1994: Appointment to the Unemployment Insurance Court of Appeal: ,  
  3. 2003: San Francisco District Attorney:  
  4. 2010: Attorney General: , this time.
  5. 2016: Senator:
  6. 2020: Vice President USA: , , in addition to  
  7. 2022: I think Ms. Harris' rise to power began in 2022 with a transit of Pluto square to the Moon, and thus a continuation of the transit square to the Sun. Remember, this is a full Moon. Pluto was at the apex of this opposition during this period.
  8. 2023: , in Sector X for the presidential race. It's no coincidence that she made it all the way to the presidential race. 

Saturn isn't the easiest planet to deal with (even less so Pluto), but it's part of Kamala Harris's personality. The politician is also supported by the strength of this planet, already in opposition in her natal chart to impatient Mars. It was with a red-hot iron, striking the anvil, that she arrived at the pinnacle of her political career. In other words, just because the planets are in hard aspects or are considered "malefic" doesn't mean that they indicate difficult times ahead. A vine grows particularly well in rocky soil...

In itself, Saturn does not bring a person to power. Each theme has its own dynamics and colors. 

Many astrologers don't see Harris making it to the presidency, not least because of the power of Trump's chart. I'll come back to this. My answer is that the "energies" involved seem to show great combativeness and resilience, and that seems enough to convince me that she has a chance of winning. 

Of course, I have a favorable bias for her, simply because she's fighting the erratic and explosive Donald Trump. That colors my analysis.

What could be in her "favor"? Let's see what happens on opening day, January 20, 2025, by superimposing the solar arc directions and transits on her natal chart.

Kamala Harris


  2. (1º) 
  3. (ruler of natal MC). 
  4. (ruler of natal MC)
  5. and  to stellium /
  6.  in apex of opposition to natal full Moon

According to tradition, eclipses act like gongs. The area of the chart where the bell is struck can suggest the theme until the next eclipse. The total solar eclipse of April 2024 almost took place on the axis of the natal full Moon, while the conjunction of transits and opposed the natal stellium --, all in the MC/IV axis. The was not to be outdone, making a distant square with the axis of the full Moon, a square which would intensify by retrograde in the following months. 

2024 April Solar Eclipse 


At the same time, the conjunction of - transits that was forming was in square with the natal .

2024 October Solar Eclipse 

The partial eclipse of October 2024 is more focused on //, the great existential lever, while the small transits of and sextile the natal -- stellium, still under the opposition of which has now joined the natal . In addition, is sextile to natal .

Donald Trump

I've already analyzed Trump in previous articles. I note above all that 2023/2024 were marked by his many legal problems and it was during 2024 that the first guilty verdict coincided with the arrival of Uranus at the MC.

Uranus () will still be very present in Trump's life in 2025, which doesn't bode well for his eventual rise to power. Trump is unquestionably a Jupiter-fed Uranian (), a grandiloquent and unpredictable being. And... old. His cognitive abilities are called into question as his behaviors fan and attract violent flames. He calls himself chaos. His life is a circus, and he intends to continue the show once again during this possible second presidency.

If we go back to the exercise we did for Harris, superimposing solar arc directions and transits, we notice the conjunction of progressed Neptune with Trump's South Node. 

Donald Trump

Trump was not only born on the day of a full Moon, but of a lunar eclipse. The Moon was close to his South Node. The symbolic passage over a point even more symbolic than a lunar node may not mean all that much.

However, - is almost at the apex of the full Moon's axis and is conjoined with Saturn. This seems to me to be a sign of blockage, of a feeling of abandonment, of separation.

If Trump wins, it will be above all that will color this new presidency, since it's always at the forefront of the natal chart. This is either the Uranian fulfillment of the character, or the beginning of a random change of direction. 

2024 April Solar Eclipse 
2024 October Solar Eclipse 

The recent armed attacks against him (Uranus square Mars) are undoubtedly what he's reaping at the moment, and this could continue, if only by projection. Some astrologers see this as a sign of his impending downfall.

Note that J. D. Vance has a similar natal orientation to Trump (Leo ascendant) and that both will have in the MC. Vance also has Mars in Scorpio. Uranus will oppose him at the inauguration. These two men are linked in a Martian dynamic.

As for Walz, we don't know his birth time. One astrologer suggests a Cancer ascendant. Walz's transits on the day of the inauguration are the most telling, notably the tango - {{symbol: sangl text="tr"}} and - .

Fun fact about our running mates: the Sun of one opposes the Moon of the other! 

Walz inside • Vance outside