orbis cantus


Astrological analysis of 2024 USA presidential candidates

It may seem presumptuous of me to predict the fate of the candidates in the next American election. Many astrologers have already pondered the question, and all they seem to conclude is that it won't be pretty...

The astrological portrait of the current potential candidates is fascinating. Will Biden get a second term? Will Trump go to jail? Does Harris stand a chance? Let's look at the clues provided by the declinations and transits for each.

As I like to say, astrological predictions are more like weather forecasts, a subtle balance between probabilities and intuition or vagueness. I'm not a professional, either. Please take this with a grain of salt if you can't find the right pepper...

Joe Biden

The ocean doesn't look very restful for 2024. From the outset, his presidency was marked by successive transits and parallelisms of Uranus, Saturn and Pluto (, , , ), not to mention the fact that his election coincided with the arrival of Neptune in sector IV.

Biden was thus under tremendous pressure in sector VI, where Uranus is currently transiting, the sector of the delicate balance between health and work. Between 2022 and 2023, there was undoubtedly a "respite," except a long transit imposing rigour and intellectual solitude (particularly in the face of criticism?).

Mid-July 2023, beginning of the transit which will be effective with the parallelism throughout 2024. Mercury is ruler of the MC and DESC. Possible destabilization of alliances and status.

The election year is no exception. As early as March-April, Pluto () appears, and in August, Uranus strikes the Sun (). This augurs uncertain times and deep emotions. The parallelism will still be in effect in election month.

I believe Biden will have to make decisions as early as Mars-April 2024. If he stays in the race, it will be an intense emotional climate for him. Will resilient Biden have the courage and, above all, the strength?

Kamala Harris

Harris' vice-presidency began with an applying conjunction of Saturn on the mipoint (she was born, like Trump, on a Full Moon day), and Pluto will not be outdone on this same mipoint throughout 2022 and 2023. The year 2022 may have been a difficult one for her, not least because this midpoint is at the apex of the full Moon of her birth... Pluto will remain there throughout 2023.

2023 also marks Harris' second Saturnian return. Note that Saturn is very close to the MC at birth, giving this woman presidential control...

In 2024, Pluto will still be very present as it enters a definitive square with the Sun (). This transit occurs during the same tumultuous periods described for Biden. Uranus will pass over Jupiter, accompanied by Jupiter (grand conjunction ).

The solar eclipse of April 2024 forms not far from the natal Moon. This Moon is powerful in Harris, forming part of a network of major sextiles. The lunar eclipse of March 2024 is also on the IV/MC axis. Should this be seen as a sudden takeover?

At the time of the 2025 inauguration, the Sun and Pluto will be in conjunction and square Harris' Mercury. Saturn and Venus will also be in conjunction, in opposition to the birth stellium Uranus/Pluto/Venus in sector IV. Uranus is still in the orb of a conjunction with Jupiter. There will also be a parallelism between and . What to look out for?

Donald Trump

Trump's political life is lived so much through the media that it would be superfluous to add more here. Still, it's important to highlight this man's natal chart, particularly concerning declinations.

Mercury and Pluto were out of bounds (OOB) at his birth. These two extreme planets already gave him an exceptional, even excessive, gift for discourse and manipulation.

Several planets "vibrate" with the axis of the full moon of his birth. No wonder this man is so "visible": , , , (and lunar counterparts), .

Pluto entered counter-parallelism with the natal Sun and Moon in 2021. This counter-parallelism won't let him go for at least twenty years... denoting significant influence or karma! His current setbacks show no signs of ending.

Nevertheless, parallels with the axis (thus also ) abound on election day: , , , , , , , , .

Does this matter, or is it just a coincidence? For the 2025 inauguration, Uranus will be conjunct with the MC. Uranian by birth, does this transit mark the full manifestation of his being? That's the big unknown. Like during Trump's birth, Mars will be OOB on this day (Venus and Mercury will be OOB during the election, and Pluto, I remind you, will be in counter-parallelism with the Sun).

These parallelisms disappear almost entirely for the inauguration, as Mars transits the Saturn/Venus midpoint in sextile with transiting Uranus. You'd be forgiven for thinking that the glory is his... However, many uncertainties surround this explosive topic.


  • Joe Biden: November 20, 1942, 08:30, Scranton, PA (41ºN25, 75ºN40)

  • Kamala Harris: October 20, 1964, 21:28, Oakland, CA (37ºN48, 122ºW16)

  • Donald Trump: June 14, 1946, Jamaica (45ºN41, 73ºW48)

The inauguration day

Biden inauguration date
Joe Biden
Harris Inauguration date
Kamala Harris
Trump Inauguration date
Donald Trump


2024 transits

Transits Biden 2024
Transits Biden 2024
Transit Harris 2024
Transit Harris 2024
Trump transits 2024
Trump transits 2024


All charts and diagrams made with Astro Gold.

Header photo: Midjourney