orbis cantus


Céline Dion's life as seen through astrology

Undertaking an astrological analysis of a personality such as Céline Dion is a perilous exercise. Although her birth coordinates are public (we know the time), I don't have permission to "psychoanalyze" this artist. So, I will confine myself here to a brief overview, based on the biography published on Wikipedia (French version, English link given).

This analysis comes about ten days before the broadcast of an NBC interview, an important moment if ever there was one, as it should tell us more about the Stiff Person Syndrome from which she suffers. The astrologer is naturally interested in looking at a birth chart in such a situation!

Brief birth chart analysis

Céline Dion's theme is intriguing, even impressive. Visually speaking, it offers a rather symmetrical, two-stage picture, inclined like the sails of a tall ship. The chart features no less than four notable conjunctions, which, as we shall see, will be activated during the pivotal periods of the artist's life.

Céline Dion. March 30, 1968, 12:15 PM, Charlemagne, Quebec

In terms of elements, Céline Dion has:

  • Fire: 6 (vitality, passion)
  • Air  0 (intellect)
  • Earth: 3 (pragmatism)
  • Water: 3 (feelings)

I'd like to immediately compare the breakdown of René Angélil's elements, the man so crucial to this woman's existence:

  • Fire: 1 (vitality, passion)
  • Air  3 (intellect)
  • Earth: 8 (pragmatism)
  • Water: 0 (feelings)

I refer to my section on the elements to better understand this astrological aspect.

We see a beautiful interconnection between these two people. Céline brings a passion that René will feed on. René teaches Céline the art of communication and also brings realism and concreteness. Finally, Céline gives him precious clues on how to express his emotions.

Angelil's natal chart presents similarities with those of the artist, notably through an important Sun/Moon conjunction () that opposes Pluto and trines Neptune (), while Dion's has an important Mercury/Venus conjunction () also trine Neptune! 

René Angélil. January 16, 1942. 6:00PM (?), Montreal

The modalities are also quite complementary (Dion / Angélil):

  • Cardinality: 5 / 4 (action)
  • Fixity : 3 / 6 (conservatism)
  • Mutability: 4 / 2 (adaptability)

The time of birth given for René Angélil is debatable, so we must take with a grain of salt the score given to him in terms of life orientation (by the signs):

  • Personal: 7 / 6
  • Social: 4 / 1
  • Universal: 3 / 6

This classification suggests that both individuals prioritize self-expression and seek fulfillment in self-expression. Ms. Dion is more inclined to enjoy the social dimensions, while her husband may have had a broader vision, seeking to go beyond individualism. Of course, these potentials have probably been refined with success.

As I said earlier, Céline Dion has four major conjunctions, three of which group together the so-called personal planets, with the final conjunction opposing one of the conjunctions. At first glance, we see that the Moon, exacerbated in the last degree of Aries, is married to Mars in Taurus. The Moon generally represents the mothering symbol (any person acting as a nurturing mother). The Moon is in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, whom it "embraces," so to speak. The ebullient Mars is certainly not at ease with the Taurus patient. This conjunction is linked by a broad trine to Jupiter, which, in a way, "favours" Céline. At the same time, this Jupiter could signify a royal dramatization of life (as well as material abundance). This conjunction expresses a dynamism between hot yang (Moon in Aries) and cold yin (Mars in Taurus).

On the other side, we have an exact conjunction between Venus and Mercury, with an opposition on the Uranus/Pluto conjunction (), all trine Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, the sign where Venus and Mercury reside. Neptune represents the ocean, imagination and universal sensitivity. I'd say this configuration brings charisma, depth and an ability to blend into romantic archetypes. It's also a capacity to merge with and lose oneself in absolute ideals and dreams. So it's not so strange that Céline Dion's first hit song was entitled Ce n'était qu'un rêve (It was just a dream)! As for Pluto, it covers relationships of secrecy and intimacy, while Uranus brings the unconventional, a willingness to go beyond the norm. In short, a private person with a fierce, perhaps elusive independence.

We'll see in the following short biography when this was "awakened." Venus and Mercury together in Pisces signal to me (perhaps naively) a way of loving tinged with intellectualism, camaraderie coloured by idealism and perhaps sacrifice. 

Moreover, Pluto and Uranus's opposition certainly brings depth, but probably also relational storms, perhaps a struggle between the individualisms surrounding Céline Dion. Once again, theatricality, drama, and the ability to tap deep into the unconscious led the artist to communicate with many different audiences.

Finally, between these conjunctions, the powerful Sun/Saturn/Neptune/North Node configuration (/{symbol:simple text="sa"}}/{symbol:simple text="mc"}}/{symbol:simple text="nn"}}. Note that Céline was born two days after a solar eclipse (echoing Angélil's birth on a new moon). Here we revisit the theme of royal dynamism (Sun in Aries) closely linked, I'd say almost locked, to Saturn, at the highest point in the sky. The proximity of the Lunar Node ({{symbol:sipmle text="nn"}}) also suggests a "call" towards a pure, crystalline expression of individuality. 

The role of Saturn in Céline's chart is truly captivating. Saturn, symbolizing the paternal function, family rigidity, and the Capricornian will to sublimate duty, holds a significant place. It also signifies the potentially formidable influence of dominant (and rigid?) father figures, likely to provide this solar Aries with a focus, a structure, an orientation that it might otherwise lack due to the untimely nature of this spring sign. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is a key player here. Let's not overlook the fact that René Angélil, a Capricorn, is a part of this story!

Céline's mother Thérèse's natal chart (March 20, 1927, with no known time of birth) also speaks volumes about the projection she seems to have made onto her daughter: Moon opposite Céline's, conjunction on her daughter's conjunction . Unaspected Saturn is in trine with Céline's Saturn.   

I wonder about Chiron, alone and unaspected. He usually represents a wound, symbolic or otherwise, in an individual. This celestial body, which has been part of astrologers' imaginations since its discovery in 1977 (and is as big as Pluto, by the way), is at midpoint between the Sun and Mercury/Venus.

It could mean the following (definition from ChatGPT):

  • Healing Through Relationships: There may be significant healing or wounding experiences related to romantic relationships or partnerships. The individual might find that their deepest wounds and greatest healing opportunities come through their interactions with others.
  • Self-Worth and Identity: Issues of self-worth and personal value might be closely tied to one’s sense of identity. The person may need to heal wounds related to how they see themselves and how they believe others perceive them.
  • Artistic and Creative Expression: There could be a healing journey through creative or artistic endeavours. Expressing oneself artistically might be a way to address and heal deep-seated wounds.
  • Balancing Ego and Relationships: The individual might face challenges in balancing their own needs and identity with those of their partners. Learning to harmonize these aspects can be a significant part of their healing journey.


Family background

Although the Wikipedia biography doesn't mention it, I imagine that part of Céline Dion's childhood may have been marked by instability (at least as Céline perceived it). In 1970, Chiron crossed the Sun, Saturn and the MC, while Uranus was opposite in the family sector.

I don't know if there's any information about this period, but it seems pretty heavy (or so Céline perceived it, once again).

1980 Ce n’était qu’un rêve


It's interesting to note that Saturn signals the start of Céline Dion's career, transiting Uranus and Pluto (and opposing Venus and Mercury). We can already see that, in astrology, it's not necessarily "beneficial" transits that indicate "good things." It's up to the astrologer to discover a person's "myth," what "resonates" with them.

1981 Angélil and 1st TV show

Saturn arrives at the opposite of the natal position. We also see the Lunar Node arriving at the ascendant, denoting a shift in identity. What's more, Uranus is conjoined to Neptune. Although this is a common transit for people of his generation, Neptune's position is so primordial in Céline's chart that it represents Céline's nascent, expressive individuality.

1983-1984 1st gold disc in France - Before the Pope



Powerful Pluto opposes the Moon and Mars, while Mercury's secondary progression reaches the top of the chart.

1987-1989 Start of international career - Eurovision


Saturn, of course, seems to be the dominant planet in Céline Dion's chart. By progression, the Sun arrives on the Moon, favoring emotional fulfillment.

1990 Nodules 


Thereafter, the Sun's progression overtakes natal Mars in Taurus. In medical astrology, Taurus is traditionally associated with Venus, which rules part of the throat. I'll leave it to the astrologers who know their stuff to evaluate.

1991-1992 Rise in popularity

(arc solaire) 
(arc solaire) 
(progression secondaire) 
(arc solaire) 
(arc solaire) 

The two types of progression seem to coordinate here to herald the start of the artist's professional ascent. In March 1991, a song from Céline's first English-language album reached number four on the US Billboard charts. By solar arc progression, the conjunction passed over the Sun. The Sun's progression touches Mars, which, let's not forget, is ruler of the MC. Finally, the progressed (secondary) Moon strikes the gong

 1993-1998 International consecration and marriage


(et donc aussi ) (arc solaire de 1994) 
(et donc aussi ) (arc solaire de 1994)   

The progressions are not to be outdone regarding the international consecration of a career in Wikipedia. It's interesting to note the transit conjunction of Pluto on the natal Neptune. Here, two transpersonal planets are "activated" in the professional axis. And let's not forget that Neptune is the receptacle (in a very wide orb) of the mipoint and . When we say that everything seems to be linked...  

1998-1999 René Angélil’s cancer



René Angélil's cancer must have hit Céline Dion like a bomb. 1997 coincides with the first Saturnian return. Astrologically speaking, Céline Dion was coming of age and reached her peak with My Heart Will Go On, which reached stratospheric heights. Saturn is in the middle of the sky, representing the apogee of the artist's direction. In 1999, her husband's cancer was announced. Saturn seems to be reclaiming its rights during its passage through the conjunction . The secondary progression indicates the milestone reached.

Céline Dione's reputation is further enhanced by her receipt of two of her country's highest honours: Officer of the Order of Canada (for "Exceptional Contribution to Contemporary Music") and Officer of the Ordre national du Québec.

2001 René-Charles


The René-Charles’ birth was obviously a happy milestone. Pluto was in trine to the MC, and progressed Venus was conjunct the Moon.

2008-2009 Break

{{symbol:progr text="lu qu me"}


The 2007-2008 period may have been stimulating, but it was also destabilizing for the artist, with Uranus flying over her natal conjunction . In addition, Saturn opposed the same conjunction in 2009, when she decided to take a break. She suffered a miscarriage, then became pregnant with twins.

2010 Birth of twins



The birth of Nelson and Eddy took place under "good vibrations" from the progressed Moon, at the same time as the transit of Saturn in sector IV. 

2014 Health problem, break


It's never easy to deal with a Pluto transit. This square to the Sun comes at a time when her husband's health is deteriorating. Céline also suffers from inflammation, which is surely linked to the famous stiff-person syndrome announced later.

2015-2016 Aggravated illness and death of René Angélil

{{symbol:progr text="lu ca lu"}


Céline lost a brother just a few weeks after René Angélil's death. The presence of Chiron's transit on the conjunction is intriguing. This planetoid, bearing the "wounds" of an individual, was also present at the time of my father's death. Indeed, Chiron was flying over his natal Mars after having flown over his Sun for a while as if its presence were the ultimate healing, the drying up of a deep, existential wound. Only Céline Dion could express here what she felt, for this was not, unlike my father, her death. Chiron at Angélil's is not involved at all in this event. Maybe it's just a coincidence.







I place these progressions and transits without being able to comment on them. Uranus certainly played a role in her life at this time, and my recollection is that Céline became "different," showing aspects of her personality that her public was neither prepared for nor accustomed to. Uranus was also present at the beginning of 2020 (her mother’s death), and we can only think of the pandemic that upset her professional plans.

On the other hand, Neptune arrived at the conjunction in 2020, presaging no doubt the growing importance of the disease. Without being able to make a psychological analysis, since this can't be done without an intimate discussion with the person concerned, I can nevertheless suggest that this Neptune, first resolver of the Mercury/Venus opposition Pluto configuration, reaches this conjunction at this time as if it were time to settle once and for all this intense dynamic that this opposition represents. Only Ms. Dion can describe her own experience. 

2022 Announcement of her illness



What could be more normal," says the astrologer, "to see Chiron flying over the highest point in the sky of a person revealing a major illness such as the syndrome from which he or she suffers?

2023 Annulation concerts


Astrologers will also nod in agreement at this secondary progression of Venus opposite natal Neptune. Céline Dion's personal gods are constantly singing the same song... Pluto square Moon implies an emotional upheaval, a volcano of sensations that must be expressed.

2024 Interview




This blog post was written before the interview announced for June 2024. I wanted to find out about the artist's background before this event, which is surely of great importance to the artist. I refer to the previous descriptions of Chiron's mipoints ( and ). What could be more significant than the passage of the famous Neptune over this mipoint at the time of this interview! 

Pluto is not to be outdone in this affair. It's about to "ascend" above the artist's natal horizon. The great keeper of Céline Dion's secrets takes to the stage, trying to settle accounts, not necessarily with individuals, but with her own existence.



Madame Dion is at a crossroads. Saturn is currently flying over the famous conjunction and will reach the Sun, Saturn and the MC in 2026 for a second Saturnian return and, in all likelihood, a second climax in her life.

To conclude, I asked Midjourney to compose an image around a phoenix. I couldn't get what I wanted until I added in my order to draw in the style of Egon Schiele. Midjourney seems to have a very artificial affinity with the artist, or it's just me hallucinating beautiful birds. It's fair to suggest, however, that Céline Dion possesses the resilience of this animal, and we wish her every success in transforming this painful immobility. At the dawn of her sixties, her individuality takes on new wings. 


All illustrations: Midjourney