orbis cantus


Astrological portrait of a verdict

At 5:05 PM New York time, a guilty verdict was handed down against Donald Trump for illegally falsifying election expenses. The "sky" at this moment might foreshadow what awaits the Republican candidate in the upcoming election.

It should be noted from the outset that the entirety of 2024 is marked by Uranus reaching the MC, indicating a radicalization of Trump’s status. Remember that Trump can be considered "Uranian" with the stellium connecting Uranus, the North Node, the Moon, and the Sun (Trump was born during an eclipse). Let’s take the time to understand the individual superficially.

Trump’s birthchart


In The Archetypal Universe, Renn Butler suggests the following definition for the combination . Like Ebertin, he mentions the "positive" side first, then the "negative" side.

Increased sense of freedom and autonomy, individuation and independence, unique opportunities for creative expression, breakthroughs and unexpected awakenings, bright light of rebirth. - Manic self-celebration, willful and erratic behaviour, excessive need for independence, inability to cooperate or compromise with others.

If we add the midpoint with the Moon :

A bright and exciting vitality, creative freedom and originality, natural spontaneity and liveliness, radiant enthusiasm for life. – Manic hyperactivity and impulsivity, willful eccentricity and unpredictability, refusal to cooperate or compromise with others.

Depending on one’s bias, which side best expresses Trump? No matter what one thinks of him, he stands out with his solar and independent identity. The "East" orientation of his natal chart also suggests a self-centred individual with the ability to promote himself eloquently, marked by imagination and likely by lies (). We know he is combative, which is corroborated by the presence of Mars on the Ascendant (let’s clarify that the position above the Ascendant is the strongest point in a natal chart, according to Gauquelin’s work and also by the Ancients).

Let’s also note the position of Chiron at birth, very close to Jupiter, in the 2nd house. With Chiron, we all have a wound we try to alleviate (without being able to eradicate it). For Trump, this wound would be in self-worth, seeking an outlet in wealth accumulation. This quest can turn into rage and envy, and when Chiron is affected, it exacerbates feelings of victimization. In his case, it seems he has made a specialty of it!

We can also notice the "solitude" of the conjunction nourished by parallels with the previously mentioned axis . I also draw attention to the parallel between the famous solar stellium and Pluto. At the time of the trial, this parallelism became an anti-parallelism due to Pluto’s transit, and for a long time…

Let’s return to the trial. It began on April 15, 2024.

Beginning of the trial

The Mars/Saturn conjunction () was square to Uranus (thus Trump’s eclipse axis. Note that every time the natal Uranus is involved, so are the Sun and the Moon!). The Mercury/Chiron conjunction () opposed Jupiter (, ), the Sun was square to the Venus/Saturn conjunction while the Moon was transiting this exact conjunction, and the nodal axis was about to align with… Chiron! Without wanting to sound fatalistic, one could still think that it wasn’t the best time to undergo a trial… especially since the grand Uranus/Jupiter conjunction was forming close to Trump’s MC. One might have thought that the few "good" aspects like Jupiter/Uranus sextile Venus/Saturn, Sun trine Mars or Neptune trine Venus/Saturn would have foretold a better outcome for Trump. The contraparallelisms of Pluto to the natal stellium Sun/Node/Uranus and also the anti-parallelism with Venus do not help… Many oppositions, a lot of spotlight…

Obviously, Trump couldn’t decide the date of these proceedings, and it’s me who, after the fact, detects the supposed cosmic plan…

Seven weeks later, the verdict is announced.


Uranus is making its first contact with the MC, joined by Mercury, announcing a square with Mars (which, by the way, rules the 9th house of justice). Saturn is at the midpoint . The same anti-parallelisms described above are still present. Mars’ transit is in the exact square of natal Saturn/Venus.

The sentence will be pronounced on July 11, 2024.


Uranus is, of course, still at the MC, but this time, it will be joined by Mars, which will then square natal Mars. Saturn is still on the Sun/Moon axis, while the ephemeral Moon will oppose said Saturn. A perfect grand cross!

Many claim that the outcome of this trial will have no consequence for the elections. During this period, we will likely return to the charts of the moment (the charts of each of the protagonists, including Kamala Harris, will be very "active").

The chart of the next president’s inauguration (January 20, 2025) seems problematic for Trump.

Inauguration 2025 • Trump’s chart

A Venus/Saturn conjunction is still on the critical axis Sun/North Node/Sun. At the same time, Mars will be conjunct with the natal Venus/Saturn conjunction. The transits don’t have the "colour" of 2017 (Biden’s seem more "positive"). Uranus is still at the MC because, throughout the campaign, it will slow down, then go retrograde, squaring Mars twice, with the final square happening in 2025.

Inauguration 2025 • Biden’s chart

This means that instability will continue to reign in Trump’s universe. No matter the outcome of the elections, which astrologers predict to be turbulent, even catastrophic, we can already think that Trump will experience what he cherishes the most at the highest level: being the perfect symbol of the storm. But maybe to his detriment? Or will it be the ultimate consecration of his boundless personality?

As for the elections, I am beginning to believe that Kamala Harris will play a much more critical role than we think… her chart is "heavy with responsibilities" for this period. Time will tell!


Illustration: Midjourney