orbis cantus


Mercury on high alert

In ancient times, Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks) was the emissary of the gods and protector of merchants, orators, scribes, travellers and thieves. In other words, he was involved in everyone's business. Consequently, like a diplomat navigating the swampy waters of human actions, Mercury possessed no shame. His knowledge was impartial.

Contemporary astrology associates him with cognitive functions. The two signs he rules, Gemini and Virgo, represent the different facets of the mind. First, the young, inquisitive mind wants to know and think about everything. Then there's the adult who has to trade and negotiate. A pure Gemini will have no trouble grasping situations and won't take them personally. They'll analyze but not judge. A Virgoan will classify and filter to make pure distinctions. Mercury in Virgo is the refinement of knowledge.

Mercury is the link between mind and body. He's not so much cerebral as a searching head with multiple antennae. His nervousness equals his fragility.

It's all about balance in a natal chart, and the astrologer will study what an individual possesses in cognitive management with Mercury. With a little too much lunar interference, a person doesn't know whether to be emotional or reasoning; if not enough Earth, it becomes crumbly or inflamed. In the neighbourhood of Pluto, observation becomes a cold probe into the abysses of the brain. Words can become a weapon.

Although the planets all revolve in the same direction around the Sun, their different orbital speeds mean that they sometimes appear to move backwards in the sky. Astrologers call this phenomenon retrograde motion, occurring about three times a year for Mercury (just under 90 days a year). During this time, matters related to commerce, negotiation and routine rituals require more attention or are slowed down by delays and complications. Introspection is the order of the day.

The god Mercury might find it challenging to understand the hyper-solicited brains of our time. Facts are transformed by new virtualities. Knowledge is confronted with chaotic probabilities.

Astrologers must digest the discovery of asteroids and planetoids at breakneck speed.

Mercury has lost some of its serene impartiality and coldness. We live in a time when the Titans are waking up. Neptune is shaking up the climate, Uranus is jolting up the soil, and Pluto is awakening its volcanoes. There is no longer one Mercury but many. Magic is taking place in our brains and senses. But do we have the maturity?

More than ever, the human race needs to think. We must continue nurturing our curiosity sparingly and guiding our communication to remain alert, young and wise. We need to adjust our antennae and reason our course so that, like Icarus, we don't burn our wings when we're so close to the Sun.