orbis cantus


Kate Middleton's fragile health - An astrological analysis.

On March 22, 2024, Kate Middleton announced that she had cancer. This followed a major operation in January, which probably detected the disease.

What can we read in her natal chart? Without going into an in-depth analysis of her natal chart, it’s worth noting that she was born during a lunar eclipse whose apex was conjunct Saturn/Pluto. This combination confers an eminently controlled emotional richness and a desire for emotional balance due to the nature of the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer. Incidentally, her husband, Prince William, was born during the following solar eclipse in the same region as Kate’s Moon. What a fusion!

Catherine Middleton, January 9, 1982, 7PM, Reading (England)
William and Catherine

A Jupiter/Mars conjunction at the wedding opposed the future Princess’s chart to natal apex Saturn/Pluto. Everything about Kate Middleton’s highlights seems quite serious, indicating the inordinate importance this event could have had for her.

Catherine’s wedding

One might think that these couples’ search for individual expression reflects a shared vision. Since they were born a few months apart, there is juxtaposition, but a little in reverse. William has Jupiter in the MC, a sign that foreshadows the role he will play. He could be a king sooner than we think and a traveller, able to elevate and lead royalty toward liberating behaviours.

On the other hand, Kate Middleton has Jupiter at the IC and antipode to the MC, and this Jupiter is square with the Venus/Mercury conjunction in sector VI. While there’s a preponderance of Air in the Princess, the rest of the elements are relatively balanced, and the needs scale (Growth = 2, Security = 3, Stimulation = 3, Love =2) is somewhat uniform. The lioness is likelier to be quietly on the lookout than thirsty for power. If there’s a thirst, it’s for work and control. Nasty tongues will say that she has a conventional, decent personality and is well-suited to the future role expected of her. However, I would add that this person has a natural "stress," a natural "pressure."

The couple each occupy the royal and family axis in their way. The Princess seems more grounded than her husband, certainly more determined to realize her ambitions. At the same time, one senses a fragility, corroborated perhaps by the solar eclipse before her birth, whose position falls in sector XII, in exact opposition to the Venus/Mercury of her birth. This conjunction is a neuralgic point and a predisposition to stress-related illnesses.

According to her Wikipedia page, Mrs. Middleton’s pregnancies were problematic. When George was born, Saturn transited the IC, and the Moon was conjunct with the South Node, very close to the Sun/Moon axis. Pluto was square to Mars, and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction was the apex of the Venus/Uranus midpoint.

George’s birth

Saturn was conjoined to Uranus at Charlotte’s birth, while Mercury opposed the same planet of birth. As for the Moon, it flew over the Saturn/Pluto apex described at the beginning of this article, as did Uranus opposite and in square with the Moon.

Charlotte’s birth

Louis’ birth was no exception, with Pluto conjunct the Sun during his pregnancy and Mars conjunct the Sun at birth. The Moon and North Node flew over... the Moon of the prenatal eclipse. Mars/Pluto was also square to Pluto at birth. Did this latest pregnancy present a heavy burden on Mrs. Middleton’s physical equilibrium? I’m not a doctor and do not know much about these matters, so I’ll speculate based on astrological symbolism.

Louis’s birth

What about this operation in January 2024? The transits of this period suggest tension just by looking at them (November 2023 is similar). The lunar axis is square to the natal eclipse axis, thus in line with the Saturn/Pluto apex. Jupiter is in opposition to its natal position and square to Venus/Mercury.

January 2024

The medical astrologer uses, among other tools, a nodal chart in which the South Node represents the head and the North Node the feet. This map establishes an equal-sector cartography of the body. If I’ve understood the technique correctly, the transit of the 2023/2024 Lunar Node takes place in sector IV, that of the abdomen, kidneys, large intestine, reproductive organs, and so on. Jupiter in this region means expansion and overgrowth.

The portrait is more complex, with too many planets in this tense square. Note the presence of Chiron. I haven’t yet fully grasped its significance in astrological cosmography, although it is associated with the healer or the wound never healed. The total eclipse of April 2024 would occur on the Sun/Moon axis of birth, accompanied by Chiron.

April 2024 solar eclipse

According to Jansky in Interpreting the Eclipses, the place where these occur in a natal chart suggests a point of attention and concern for the individual. For the Princess, this is a significant rebalancing time and dosage of her efforts. This will be all the more important with Pluto’s upcoming transit of the Mercury/Venus conjunction in 2027, a neuralgic point for her health.

The next three years look intense for King Charles III, Prince William, and Princess Catherine. We’ll soon see what happens to this family.