orbis cantus


The four elements in your personality. An experience.

Throughout the ages, astrology has sought to understand human complexities through celestial configurations. Among the concepts used are the four elements—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—essential for deciphering our behaviour and personality. A complete astrological analysis requires more than this simplification. We're talking about an entry point, a first brush with human psychology. Interestingly, there may be parallels between these astrological elements and the personality types defined by modern psychometric tests.

Fire represents energy, enthusiasm and boldness. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are often seen as natural leaders, dynamic and sometimes impulsive. These traits resemble those described in certain psychometric models, such as the extrovert type in the MBTI test, where we find a preference for action and social interaction. The MBTI is based on sixteen distinctive elements. They seem to be a factorization of the first four elements.

Earth symbolizes stability, realism and reliability. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are renowned for their pragmatism and methodical approach to situations. This evokes the "guardian" type in specific psychometric tests, which value order, security and constancy.

Once again, remember that the astrologer cannot generalize that a Taurus will be realistic. His natal chart may show contradictory tendencies to this first suggestion.

Air is associated with communication, intellect, and flexibility. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are often known for their intellectual curiosity, ability to think abstractly, and ease in social interaction. These characteristics recall the "rational" profile of certain tests, which emphasize analysis and strategy.

Finally, Water embodies emotion, intuition and psychic depth. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are generally perceived as empathetic, sensitive and complex, traits found in the "idealist type" of psychometric classifications, which emphasize compassion and emotional communication.

The astrologer will then draw up an initial chart with the famous theme outlines. He or she may discover that such a personality has a preponderance not only of Earth but also of Water. He or she may also discover that other aspects of the chart have a fixation on a particular behaviour.

If a psychologist or human resources person needs several meetings or observations before determining a personality type, the same is true of an astrologer, who cannot rely solely on the dry study of a natal chart.

What a person is cannot be summed up in a behavioural grid. What he or she has experienced, how he or she has experienced it, and the strengths and weaknesses he or she possesses in the circumstances that are his or her own must be taken into account. This can only be achieved through sharing and dialogue with others...

Although astrology may seem simplistic to some, it shares a common foundation with modern psychometry: the desire to categorize and understand human behaviour under clear archetypes. Thus, an in-depth study of personality, whether through the stars or through tests, deserves careful attention and an open mind, for it is through the synthesis of these different systems that we can hope to grasp the complexity of what makes us unique. 

The connections between astrology and psychology are not insignificant. They show how, in different ways, our quest to understand the human psyche invariably brings us back to these four archetypes, whether through the stars or through scientific questionnaires. Each system, whether astrological or psychometric, offers a framework for exploring the diversity of human personalities, highlighting tendencies that, while universal, require nuanced analysis to capture the full nuance of the individual.

With this in mind, you can find your "table of elements" on this site. Knowing your birth time is a plus, but it's also possible to reflect on who you are without this knowledge through the tendencies suggested by the result provided.

Mysterious as it may seem, everything "down there" is similar to everything "up here." Astrological practice stems from this symbolic study of synchronicity. We live in cycles larger than ourselves, our lives being fractal patterns in resonance with broader movements.

I invite you to participate in the exercise and tell me your thoughts. Soon, I'd like to add other grids derived from astrological thinking.

But remember, the wise man rules his star; the ignorant man is governed by it. We have to help ourselves so that heaven can help us.

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