orbis cantus


Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. Astrological portrait.

The recent upheavals within Québec Solidaire have drawn my astrological attention. Let's remember that on April 29, 2024, Émilise Lessard-Therrien resigned from her position as spokesperson for the party, simultaneously criticizing her colleague Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois's directive style.

In the following, let's clarify that I don't know the protagonists' birth times. This limits what we can extrapolate.

First, let's draw up a birth chart for Québec Solidaire!

Québec Solidaire, February 4, 2006

The party was founded on February 4, 2006, in Montreal under the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune. A person with such a configuration would, in principle, be idealistic, dreamy, and sensitive. For some, this idealism borders on cloud chasing. Québec Solidaire is perceived as an unwavering faith in a future made differently.

What "helps" the party is undoubtedly the contribution of Earth elements in its chart. The Moon and Mars are in Taurus. This earthly force is also illustrated by the trine between the Moon and Venus, the latter being in Capricorn. The Moon and the Sun form a square. The Sun and Saturn are almost in opposition. One might think that the duumvirate operates within QS dynamically and probably in constant bipolarity, each being the lever or brake for the other.

Jupiter is also square to the Sun and in parallel with many planets. This suggests a philosophical propensity geared towards action.

The current shock occurs during the great Uranus/Jupiter conjunction this spring, 2024.

This configuration is always associated with spectacular twists, advancements, and scientific breakthroughs, but also with upheavals. As the Astrotheme website states, "this cycle of just under fourteen years is linked to growth and awakening. It combines Uranus' idealistic aspiration with Jupiter's optimism and hints at possibilities for progress regardless of the initial situation."

It was during such a conjunction that major protests against the Vietnam War took place, and that humankind arrived on the Moon. In 2010-11, we witnessed the Arab Spring, etc.

Thus, QS (Québec Solidaire) is directly impacted by this conjunction as it hovers over the formation's natal Mars, in square and simultaneously with the natal Mercury. Revolution is in the air!

Now, let's examine Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois's birth chart. I repeat I don't know his hour of birth, so we can't go very far in the analysis.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, May 31, 1990, Montreal

What immediately stands out from GND's chart is the predominance of Earth, the concrete, the pragmatic! Moon in Virgo, delicate and mannered sensitivity, emotional modesty that doesn't reveal itself much. Mercury in Taurus, concrete thought... but opposed to Pluto: depth, confrontation, desire for transformation, the volcanic nature of thought. Mercury and Pluto often form articulate minds, chiselled with the red-hot iron of depth. It's not always easy to deal with this kind of intellect, which is opaque and adept at handling words and truth. Since it's an opposition, one might believe in a confronting mind, flashes of genius, and sudden torments.

However, what strikes me is the apparent harmony of aspects. Since we don't know the exact position of the Moon, it could be off, but we still see the formation of an astrological kite denoting great stability—peripheral stability. This formation may be somewhat weak in the chart, but it would signify an ability to renew oneself, to adapt to circumstances, and even opportunistic ease. Everything generally goes well for GND.

Note that Mars and Venus lack significant aspects with the whole chart. Mars is the "drive." The dynamism and the way GND acts are unrestrained and... in Aries! Mars' natural sign gives a personality characterized by a will that doesn't tolerate many obstacles and indicates impatience to act (even if it means not finishing what is undertaken). However, GND's way of thinking is firmly grounded and marked by realism. How does he reconcile impatience and caution? It's up to him or his surroundings to tell us!

If called to build or govern, he will seek, I believe, to impose his perception of reality. GND is tangible, a conservative at heart who thinks more about reforms than abrupt revolutions. He possesses the intellectual and oratory skills to make things happen.

As for Venus, solitary (and not in solidarity) could signify relational difficulty. Venus is the planet of contacts, of relationships. If it is in its element in Taurus, which gives it a beautiful sensuality and belonging to simple values, it might struggle to transmit its values and instead keep them to itself. The exchange would be a long learning process based on reciprocity.

Finally, the Sun is also quite solitary apart from its connection with the lunar axis (the North and South nodes, associating it with a people's destiny). This man is made for power and will be achieved in solitude. He is pure, a character with magnetic speech, with sometimes faltering vitality (a noticeable absence of the Fire element in his chart).

The "passage" of Uranus (a planet that continues to move after an individual's birth and thus marks key moments in his or her life, called transits) seems to mark Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois's major political milestones.

In 2011-2012, Uranus "hovered" over his natal Mars. This is the period of student protest in Quebec during which GND made himself heard throughout the province.

From 2017 to 2019, he entered provincial politics. In 2022, he became the parliamentary leader of QS and stated his desire to become premier. This is marked each time by Uranus, the planet par excellence of Promethean and revolutionary individuality.

Uranus will hover over GND's Sun in 2027-2028. At this moment, he will be able to assert the full measure of his personality. The man will be elsewhere and renewed.

But let's go back to 2024. What was happening in GND's chart at the time of Émilise's resignation? Nothing less than Mars hovering, a little ahead of Neptune, over his natal Mars! Even if we don't know the exact position of the Moon, it shouldn't have been far from its current position, and Saturn would thus oppose it in 2023-2024. This would make sense, as the Moon represents emotion, yin, the feminine principle. Saturn represents a principle of constriction. Conflicts, disagreements, or loneliness may thus be present. 2023-2024 seems to be a significant relational readjustment.

Knowing that Émilise Lessard-Therrien is a Sagittarius, we immediately see that she represents the other side of the Gemini that GND is. Their Suns oppose each other, one being the antidote to the other. In the composite chart, a relationship at odds is immediately evident.

What intrigues me is not the passage of Mars over the natal Mars, as this occurs every two years in a chart, but rather the arrival of Neptune in Aries on the position of this Mars. Having experienced this for about ten years, I know what Neptune can represent. It is the planet of fog, of the intangible and the uncertain.

The transit of Neptune over Mars in Aries is a complex astrological aspect that can have profound implications for individuals. Neptune is the planet of imagination, illusion, spirituality, and confusion, while Mars represents energy, aggression, passion, and action. When these two planets meet in the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars, it can create a potentially explosive mix.

On the one hand, this transit can amplify the desire for action and a determination to achieve goals with overflowing energy. Individuals may feel inspired to pursue their passions with increased determination, leading to bold and innovative actions. However, this energy can also be imbued with illusion and confusion. Neptune also symbolizes the vapours of alcohol. Fire and alcohol, it explodes. People may struggle to discern reality from their idealized aspirations, leading them to act recklessly or pursue unrealistic dreams.

In short, the transit of Neptune over Mars in Aries requires increased vigilance to remain grounded in reality while pursuing one's highest aspirations. The illusion and confusion, the delusion of acting, can prevail. This is the danger that awaits GND.

As he is overall a realistic being, grounded in the concrete, we can hope that Neptune's transit will instill enough doubt and questioning to lead to constructive sensitivity. Otherwise, the coming months could witness many futile efforts. It is in 2027-2028 that we will see the culmination of this process.


Illustration: Midjourney