orbis cantus



Taurus is an astrological sign associated with the element of Earth and ruled by the planet Venus. Represented by the Bull, Taurus is known for its steadfastness, practicality, and grounded nature. Individuals born between April 20 and May 20 fall under this zodiac sign.

Taurus people are often recognized for their reliable and patient demeanor, as well as their strong determination and loyalty. They value stability, security, and material comforts, often seeking to create a solid foundation in all areas of life. Taurus individuals are typically hardworking, persistent, and possess a keen sense of aesthetics.

They appreciate the finer things in life and have a natural affinity for art, beauty, and sensory pleasures. While they can be possessive and resistant to change at times, Taurus individuals are generally trustworthy, dependable, and steadfast companions.

Astrologer Steven Forrest wrote of Taureans as representing the wisdom of simplicity. Inner peace is not found in intellectual complexity but rather in calmly untying the knots of one’s existence, and the most natural way to do this is to silence oneself, to savour life. This is Taurus’ strength.

Bright Side

The bright side

  • Reliable and responsible: Taurus individuals are known for their dependable nature and sense of responsibility. They are often trusted to follow through on their commitments.
  • Patient and practical: They possess a great deal of patience and are grounded in practicality. Taurus individuals have a knack for finding realistic solutions to problems.
  • Loyal and steadfast: Taurus individuals are fiercely loyal to their loved ones and are known for their unwavering support and dedication.
  • Sensual and appreciative of beauty: They have a deep appreciation for sensory pleasures and the beauty of the physical world, often finding joy in art, music, nature, and good food.
  • Stable and determined: Taurus individuals have a strong sense of stability and are determined to achieve their goals. They are willing to put in the necessary effort and work hard to accomplish what they set out to do.
Dark Side

The shadow side

Stubborn and inflexible: Taurus individuals can be incredibly stubborn and resistant to change. They may have difficulty adapting to new situations or ideas.

  • Possessive and materialistic: They can develop a possessive nature, particularly in relationships, and may have a strong attachment to material possessions and financial security.
  • Indulgent and prone to overindulgence: Taurus individuals may have a tendency to indulge in sensual pleasures and may struggle with moderation, such as overeating or overspending.
  • Resistant to change and risk-averse: They prefer stability and may be hesitant to step out of their comfort zones or take risks, potentially limiting personal growth opportunities.
  • Tendency to be complacent: Taurus individuals can become comfortable in their routines and may resist challenging themselves or seeking new experiences.
Taurus ascendant Aries

Taurus ascendant Aries

Taurus Ascendant Aries refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aries is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the determined and patient nature of Taurus with the bold and assertive qualities of Aries.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Aries Ascendant possess a unique blend of strength, resilience, and a fiery drive. They have a solid foundation, a steady approach to life, and a strong desire to take action and initiate change.

Taurus Ascendant Aries individuals are known for their persistence and determination. They possess the stamina to see their goals through to fruition and are not easily deterred by obstacles. These individuals have a strong sense of self-worth and are confident in pursuing their desires.

They possess a natural leadership ability and are unafraid to assert themselves when necessary. Taurus Ascendant Aries individuals have a pioneering spirit and a willingness to take risks, making them genuine trailblazers.

However, the combination of Taurus and Aries can sometimes create a conflict between their desire for stability and their impulsive nature. Taurus Ascendant Aries individuals may need to balance their need for security and their inclination to take spontaneous action.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Aries individuals embody a combination of determination, assertiveness, and resilience. They possess the drive and energy of Aries, complemented by the stability and patience of Taurus. These individuals excel in roles that require them to lead, initiate change, and maintain a steady course toward their goals.

Taurus ascendant Taurus

Taurus ascendant Taurus

Taurus ascendant Taurus refers to a person born in the morning just as the Sun was rising over the horizon. This combination emphasizes the traits of stability, reliability, and determination.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Taurus Ascendant possess a strong sense of self and a steadfast nature. They are known for their grounded and practical approach to life. These individuals have a deep appreciation for beauty, comfort, and the material world.

Taurus Ascendant Taurus individuals are reliable and dependable, and they value consistency and routine. They have a patient and methodical nature, allowing them to pursue their goals with persistence and resilience. These individuals possess a strong work ethic and are often associated with financial stability and success.

They have a keen eye for aesthetics and enjoy creating a harmonious and comfortable environment. Taurus Ascendant Taurus individuals are also known for their sensual nature, indulging in the pleasures of life.

However, the combination of Taurus and Taurus can sometimes create a resistance to change or a tendency towards stubbornness. Taurus Ascendant Taurus individuals may need to be open to new experiences and embrace flexibility when necessary.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Taurus individuals embody a combination of reliability, determination, and a deep appreciation for the material world. They excel in roles that require them to maintain stability, demonstrate loyalty, and create an aesthetically pleasing environment.

Taurus ascendant Gemini

Taurus ascendant Gemini

Taurus Ascendant Gemini refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Gemini is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the stable and grounded nature of Taurus with the versatile and communicative qualities of Gemini.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Gemini Ascendant possess a unique blend of practicality and intellectual curiosity. They have a solid and reliable foundation and a quick and agile mind. These individuals are known for their versatility and adaptability in various situations.

Taurus Ascendant Gemini individuals are excellent communicators and possess a natural charm that makes them captivating in social settings. They have a gift for expressing themselves clearly and enjoy stimulating conversations.

These individuals have a keen interest in gathering information and expanding their knowledge. They possess a thirst for learning and exploring different subjects. Taurus Ascendant Gemini individuals are also highly adaptable and embrace change quickly, making them versatile in different environments.

However, combining Taurus and Gemini can sometimes create a conflict between their desire for stability and their restlessness for new experiences. Taurus Ascendant Gemini individuals may need to balance their need for consistency and openness to new ideas.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Gemini individuals embody a combination of practicality, intellectual curiosity, and adaptability. They possess a grounded nature with the ability to navigate social situations and effortlessly embrace new opportunities for growth. These individuals excel in roles that require effective communication, versatility, and a balance between stability and flexibility.

Taurus ascendant Cancer

Taurus ascendant Cancer

Taurus Ascendant Cancer refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Cancer is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the stable and sensual nature of Taurus with the nurturing and emotionally sensitive qualities of Cancer.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Cancer Ascendant possess a unique blend of stability, intuition, and deep emotional connection. They have a solid foundation and a practical approach to life, with a strong nurturing instinct and a deep attachment to their loved ones.

Taurus Ascendant Cancer individuals are known for their warmth, compassion, and ability to create a sense of security and comfort for those around them. They possess vital emotional intelligence and are highly in tune with the feelings of others.

They deeply love home and family, valuing traditions and a sense of belonging. Taurus Ascendant Cancer individuals are often drawn to creating a cozy and harmonious environment where they can express affection and care.

However, combining Taurus and Cancer can sometimes create a tendency towards possessiveness or resistance to change. Taurus Ascendant Cancer individuals may need to find a balance between their need for security and their ability to adapt and embrace new experiences.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Cancer individuals embody a combination of stability, nurturing, and emotional depth. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by the caring and intuitive qualities of Cancer. These individuals excel in roles that allow them to provide comfort, support, and a sense of emotional security to those around them.

Taurus ascendant Leo

Taurus ascendant Leo

Taurus Ascendant Leo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Leo is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the stable and grounded nature of Taurus with the confident and charismatic qualities of Leo.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Leo Ascendant possess strength, self-assurance, and a magnetic presence. They have a solid foundation and a practical approach to life while maintaining a natural flair for creativity and self-expression.

Taurus Ascendant Leo individuals are known for their confidence and leadership qualities. They possess a regal and commanding presence that draws others to them. These individuals have a strong sense of self-worth and are unafraid to showcase their talents and abilities.

They are generous and warm-hearted, often seeking to uplift and inspire those around them. Taurus Ascendant Leo individuals enjoy the finer things in life and appreciate the beauty and luxury surrounding them.

However, combining Taurus and Leo can sometimes create a stubborn or inflexible nature. Taurus Ascendant Leo individuals may need to balance their desire for stability and their inclination to be the center of attention.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Leo individuals embody a combination of confidence, creativity, and stability. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by the charisma and self-assuredness of Leo. These individuals excel in roles that allow them to lead, inspire, and create a lasting impact in their chosen endeavours.

Taurus ascendant Virgo

Taurus ascendant Virgo

Taurus Ascendant Virgo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Virgo is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination blends the stable and practical nature of Taurus with the analytical and detail-oriented qualities of Virgo.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Virgo Ascendant possess a unique blend of reliability, efficiency, and attention to detail. They have a grounded and systematic approach to life and a keen sense of organization and problem-solving.

Taurus Ascendant Virgo individuals are known for their practicality and precision. They have a strong work ethic and strive for perfection in all their endeavours. These individuals are meticulous and excel in tasks requiring careful analysis and attention to detail.

They have a practical approach to their physical well-being and often prioritize health and wellness. Taurus Ascendant Virgo individuals are also known for their ability to create order and structure in their personal and professional lives.

However, combining Taurus and Virgo can sometimes create a tendency towards perfectionism or a critical mindset. Taurus Ascendant Virgo individuals may need to balance their high standards and the ability to accept imperfections.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Virgo individuals embody a combination of reliability, practicality, and attention to detail. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by Virgo's analytical and efficient qualities. These individuals excel in roles that require precision, organization, and a meticulous approach to tasks.

Taurus ascendant Libra

Taurus ascendant Libra

Taurus Ascendant Libra refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Libra is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the grounded and sensual nature of Taurus with the harmonious and diplomatic qualities of Libra.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Libra Ascendant possess a unique blend of stability, charm, and a strong sense of fairness. They have a solid foundation and a practical approach to life, combined with a natural inclination towards creating harmony and balance in their relationships and surroundings.

Taurus Ascendant Libra individuals are known for their grace and ability to find compromise in various situations. They possess a strong sense of justice and fairness and strive for harmonious interactions with others.

They have a refined taste and a love for beauty, often expressing themselves through art, fashion, or design. Taurus Ascendant Libra individuals have a strong sense of aesthetics and enjoy creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing environment.

However, the combination of Taurus and Libra can sometimes create a tendency towards indecisiveness or a desire to please others at the expense of their own needs. Taurus Ascendant Libra individuals may need to find a balance between their desire for peace and their ability to assert themselves when necessary.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Libra individuals embody a combination of stability, charm, and a commitment to fairness. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by Libra's diplomatic and harmonious qualities. These individuals excel in roles that require them to navigate relationships with poise, create harmony, and bring a sense of balance to their personal and professional lives.

Taurus ascendant Scorpio

Taurus ascendant Scorpio

Taurus Ascendant Scorpio refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Scorpio is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the grounded and sensual nature of Taurus with the intense and transformative qualities of Scorpio.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Scorpio Ascendant possess a unique blend of strength, determination, and depth. They have a solid foundation and a practical approach to life, combined with a deep emotional intensity and a powerful drive for transformation.

Taurus Ascendant Scorpio individuals are known for their unwavering determination and ability to delve into the depths of their emotions. They possess a keen intuition and a strong sense of purpose.

They have a magnetic presence and a captivating aura that draws others toward them. Taurus Ascendant Scorpio individuals are not afraid to confront challenges head-on. They are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve their goals.

However, combining Taurus and Scorpio can sometimes create a tendency towards possessiveness or a need for control. Taurus Ascendant Scorpio individuals may need to balance their desire for security and their ability to trust and let go.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Scorpio individuals embody strength, determination, and emotional depth. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by Scorpio's transformative and intense qualities. These individuals excel in roles that require them to navigate complex emotions, embrace change, and delve into the depths of their passions.

Taurus ascendant Sagittarius

Taurus ascendant Sagittarius

Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Sagittarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the grounded and sensual nature of Taurus with the adventurous and optimistic qualities of Sagittarius.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Sagittarius Ascendant possess a unique blend of stability, enthusiasm, and a desire for exploration. They have a solid foundation, a practical approach to life, a sense of adventure and a love for freedom.

Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius individuals are known for their optimistic outlook and thirst for knowledge and new experiences. They possess a natural curiosity and a love for travel and expanding their horizons.

They are generous and warm-hearted, often seeking to uplift and inspire those around them. Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius individuals are open-minded and enjoy engaging in philosophical or intellectual discussions.

However, the combination of Taurus and Sagittarius can sometimes create a conflict between their need for stability and their desire for freedom and spontaneity. Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius individuals may need to balance their grounded nature and inclination to explore new possibilities.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius individuals embody a combination of stability, enthusiasm, and a love for adventure. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by Sagittarius's optimistic and expansive qualities. These individuals excel in roles that allow them to bring a sense of adventure, exploration, and open-mindedness to their personal and professional pursuits.

Taurus ascendant Capricorn

Taurus ascendant Capricorn

Taurus Ascendant Capricorn refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Capricorn is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the grounded and practical nature of Taurus with the ambitious and disciplined qualities of Capricorn.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Capricorn Ascendant possess a unique blend of stability, determination, and a strong work ethic. They have a solid foundation, a practical approach to life, a drive for success, and a desire for long-term achievement.

Taurus Ascendant Capricorn individuals are known for their patience, reliability, and ability to set and achieve their goals. They possess a strong sense of responsibility and are often seen as dependable and trustworthy.

They are disciplined and willing to put in the necessary effort and perseverance to reach their objectives. Taurus Ascendant Capricorn individuals have a strong sense of time management and understand the importance of structure and organization.

However, combining Taurus and Capricorn can sometimes lead to rigidity or a focus solely on material success. Taurus Ascendant Capricorn individuals may need to balance their drive for stability and their ability to embrace spontaneity and enjoyment.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Capricorn individuals embody a combination of stability, ambition, and a practical mindset. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by the disciplined and goal-oriented qualities of Capricorn. These individuals excel in roles that require perseverance, reliability, and a strong sense of responsibility.

Taurus ascendant Aquarius

Taurus ascendant Aquarius

Taurus Ascendant Aquarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aquarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges Taurus's grounded and sensual nature with Aquarius's unconventional and intellectually inclined qualities.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Aquarius Ascendant possess a unique blend of stability, independence, and a visionary mindset. They have a solid foundation and a practical approach to life, a strong desire for freedom and a knack for thinking outside the box.

Taurus Ascendant Aquarius individuals are known for their originality and ability to embrace change. They possess a natural curiosity and a love for innovation and progressive ideas.

They have a humanitarian outlook and are often drawn to causes that promote social justice and equality. Taurus Ascendant Aquarius individuals value their independence and freedom of thought, often challenging traditional norms and conventions.

However, the combination of Taurus and Aquarius can sometimes create a conflict between their desire for stability and their inclination towards rebellion or eccentricity. Taurus Ascendant Aquarius individuals may need to balance their need for security and their ability to embrace their unique perspective.

Overall, Taurus ascendant Aquarius individuals embody a combination of stability, independence, and a forward-thinking mindset. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by Aquarius's innovative and unconventional qualities. These individuals excel in roles that require them to bring a fresh perspective, embrace change, and champion progressive ideas.

Taurus ascendant Pisces

Taurus ascendant Pisces

Taurus Ascendant Pisces refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Pisces is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Taurus is their sun sign. This combination merges the grounded and sensual nature of Taurus with the compassionate and intuitive qualities of Pisces.

Individuals with Taurus Sun and Pisces Ascendant possess a unique blend of stability, sensitivity, and empathy. They have a solid foundation and a practical approach to life, combined with a deep emotional connection to others and the world around them.

Taurus Ascendant Pisces individuals are known for their compassion and their ability to understand the feelings of others. They possess a heightened intuition and often have a solid connection to their dreams and the spiritual realm.

They are gentle and nurturing, often seeking to support and uplift those in need. Taurus Ascendant Pisces individuals have a deep appreciation for beauty. They may be drawn to creative pursuits such as art, music, or poetry.

However, combining Taurus and Pisces can sometimes lead to escapism or a struggle to set boundaries. Taurus Ascendant Pisces individuals may need to balance their emotional sensitivity and their need for stability and practicality.

Overall, Taurus Ascendant Pisces individuals embody a combination of stability, compassion, and intuitive insight. They possess the grounded nature of Taurus, complemented by the empathetic and imaginative qualities of Pisces. These individuals excel in roles that allow them to connect with others deeply, offer support and comfort, and bring a sense of beauty and inspiration to their surroundings.

What is an ascendant?

What is an ascendant?

In astrology, the Ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is one of the most significant elements in a birth chart. It represents the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the exact time and location of a person's birth. The Earth's rotation determines the Ascendant and changes approximately every two hours.

The Ascendant is crucial because it sets the tone for the entire birth chart and significantly influences a person's personality, physical appearance, and interactions with the world. It represents the individual's outward behaviour, demeanour, and the first impression they make on others. The Ascendant is like a filter through which the person's inner self, represented by the Sun and other planets in the chart, is projected onto the world.

We can observe the Ascendant's characteristics in a person's appearance, body language, and overall presence. It can affect physical attributes, such as height, build, facial features, and style. Additionally, the Ascendant influences one's approach to life, attitudes, and general outlook, including how they initiate new experiences and interact with the environment.

Each zodiac sign has unique qualities and attributes, and when combined with the Ascendant, they create a distinct personality blend. For instance, an individual with an Ascendant in Aries may exhibit assertiveness, impulsiveness, and a strong desire for independence. At the same time, someone with a Taurus Ascendant might display reliability, determination, and a preference for stability.

Understanding the Ascendant can provide valuable insights into an individual's self-presentation, behaviour, and the lens through which they experience life. However, it is essential to remember that the Ascendant is just one piece of the astrological puzzle. A comprehensive analysis involves considering the entire birth chart, including the positions of the Sun, Moon, and other planetary placements.