orbis cantus



Pisces is the twelfth and final astrological sign in the zodiac, represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. It is a water sign known for its compassion, intuition, and artistic nature. People born under the sign of Pisces are often characterized by their empathy, imagination, and deep emotional sensitivity.

Pisceans are highly intuitive and often possess a solid connection to the spiritual realm. They have a natural ability to understand and empathize with the emotions of others, making them compassionate and caring individuals. They have a deep well of creativity and often express themselves through various artistic outlets.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, influencing its dreamy and imaginative nature. They have a profound inner world and may possess psychic or intuitive abilities. In traditional astrology, before the discovery of Neptune, Pisces was ruled by Jupiter, the planet of amplitude. What Jupiter and Neptune have in common is the power of a shifting, unpredictable world.

Pisceans are often seen as kind-hearted and selfless, willing to help others without expecting anything in return. They are gentle and adaptable, making them easygoing and flexible in different situations.

However, Pisceans can sometimes be prone to escapism and may struggle with boundaries. They may find it challenging to assert themselves and can become overwhelmed by the emotions of others. Pisces represents the ultimate sacrifice of one’s personality and unreserved abandonment of uncontrollable universes and dimensions. God or alcohol, or God AND alcohol…

In summary, Pisces is a water sign known for its compassion, intuition, and artistic nature. Pisceans are empathetic individuals with deep emotional sensitivity. They possess a vivid imagination and have a connection to the spiritual realm. While they may struggle with boundaries, they are kind-hearted and adaptable, often expressing themselves through various creative outlets.

Bright Side

The bright side

  • Compassionate and empathetic: Pisces individuals possess a deep sense of empathy and compassion, often understanding and connecting with others on a profound level.
  • Creative and imaginative: They have a vivid imagination and a natural creative flair, often expressing themselves through various artistic or imaginative outlets.
  • Intuitive and perceptive: Pisces individuals have a heightened intuition and a remarkable ability to pick up on subtle emotions and energies in their surroundings.
  • Selfless and generous: They are known for their selfless nature and willingness to support and help others, often putting others’ needs before their own.
  • Spiritually inclined: Pisces individuals often have a strong spiritual or mystical inclination, seeking deeper meaning and connection in life.
Dark Side

The shadow side

  • Escapist tendencies: They may have a tendency to escape from reality or avoid facing difficult situations through various means such as daydreaming, substance abuse, or excessive indulgence.
  • Overly sensitive or easily overwhelmed: Pisces individuals can be highly sensitive to emotions and external stimuli, sometimes becoming easily overwhelmed or emotionally drained.
  • Tendency towards self-pity: They may fall into self-pity or victimhood, occasionally struggling to take responsibility for their own actions or circumstances.
  • Boundaries and assertiveness issues: Pisces individuals may have difficulty setting clear boundaries or asserting themselves, sometimes allowing others to take advantage of their kindness.
  • Indecisiveness or lack of direction: They may struggle with decision-making and finding a clear direction in life, often feeling torn between different choices or pursuits.
Pisces ascendant Aries

Pisces ascendant Aries

Pisces ascendant Aries refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aries is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination blends the compassionate and dreamy nature of Pisces with the fiery and assertive energy of Aries.

People with Pisces ascendant Aries are a unique blend of sensitivity and assertiveness. They are compassionate and empathetic, often driven by a strong desire to help and heal others. Their Aries influence brings forth bold and courageous energy, making them proactive and assertive in pursuing their goals.

These individuals have a strong sense of intuition and may rely on their gut feelings to guide them through life. They possess a deep inner wisdom that allows them to navigate challenging situations with grace and resilience.

Pisces ascendant Aries individuals are imaginative and creative, often expressing themselves through various artistic outlets. They are drawn to new experiences and may have a restless spirit, always seeking adventure and excitement.

They bring a blend of passion, compassion, and assertiveness to relationships. They may be fiercely protective of their loved ones and willing to fight for their beliefs. However, they also require a partner who can understand and support their emotional needs.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Aries individuals embody a unique mix of sensitivity, assertiveness, and creativity. They possess a deep empathy for others and a solid drive to positively impact the world. Their intuitive nature, coupled with their boldness, allows them to navigate life with passion and purpose.

Pisces ascendant Taurus

Pisces ascendant Taurus

Pisces ascendant Taurus refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Taurus is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination blends the gentle and dreamy qualities of Pisces with the grounded and practical nature of Taurus.

Individuals with Pisces ascendant Taurus have a calm and steady demeanour. They possess a deep inner peace and strive for stability and security. They are grounded and practical in their approach, taking measured steps toward achieving their goals. Their patient and persistent nature allow them to persevere through challenges and obstacles.

These individuals have a solid connection to the material world and appreciate the finer things in life. They enjoy comfort, beauty, and the sensual pleasures life offers. They have a natural talent for creating a harmonious and serene environment around them.

Pisces ascendant Taurus individuals are highly creative and appreciate art, music, and nature. They possess a vivid imagination and can manifest their dreams into reality through their artistic pursuits. They deeply understand emotions and are often empathetic and compassionate towards others.

In relationships, they seek stability and security. They are loyal and committed partners, providing emotional support and reliability to their loved ones. They value harmony and seek relationships that bring them peace and tranquillity.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Taurus individuals combine the dreamy and intuitive qualities of Pisces with the grounded and practical nature of Taurus. They have a deep appreciation for beauty and stability and a gentle and patient approach to life. Their creative abilities and compassionate heart make them valuable contributors to the world around them.

Pisces ascendant Gemini

Pisces ascendant Gemini

Pisces ascendant Gemini refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Gemini is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination blends Gemini's adaptable and communicative nature with the intuitive and dreamy qualities of Pisces, resulting in individuals who possess a versatile and imaginative approach to life.

People with Pisces ascendant Gemini are curious and intellectually inclined. They are keenly interested in learning and exploring a wide range of topics. Their adaptable nature allows them to easily connect with different people and adapt to various social situations. They are excellent communicators, possessing a gift for expressing their ideas and emotions compellingly and persuasively.

These individuals possess a rich imagination and a deep sense of empathy. They have a natural ability to understand the emotional undercurrents of others and offer support and compassion. Their intuitive nature allows them to tap into the collective consciousness and perceive subtle energies and hidden meanings.

Pisces ascendant Gemini individuals are often drawn to artistic and creative pursuits. They may excel in writing, music, or acting, using their vivid imagination and versatile communication skills to express themselves. They are also natural storytellers and have a gift for weaving narratives that captivate others.

In relationships, they seek mental stimulation and emotional connection. They enjoy engaging in conversations and intellectual exchanges with their partners. They may idealize their partners or seek a romanticized version of love. Still, their adaptable nature allows them to navigate the complexities of relationships easily.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Gemini individuals possess a blend of versatility, intuition, and intellectual curiosity. They have a natural gift for communication and understanding others. Their imaginative nature allows them to bring depth and creativity to all aspects of life. They are adaptable and open-minded, always seeking new experiences and knowledge.

Pisces ascendant Cancer

Pisces ascendant Cancer

Pisces ascendant Cancer refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Cancer is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination creates a unique blend of Cancer's nurturing and intuitive nature with Pisces' dreamy and compassionate qualities, resulting in compassionate and empathetic individuals.

People with Pisces ascendant Cancer have a natural ability to understand and connect with the emotions of others. They possess a nurturing and caring disposition, always ready to lend a helping hand and provide emotional support. Their intuitive abilities are heightened, allowing them to pick up on subtle energies and emotions in their environment.

These individuals are deeply connected to their emotions and possess a rich inner world. They have a vivid imagination and often find solace and inspiration in creative pursuits. Their sensitivity makes them highly receptive to the energies around them, which can sometimes lead to emotional vulnerability.

In relationships, Pisces ascendant Cancer individuals seek emotional security and deep connections. They are devoted and protective partners, always striving to create a harmonious and nurturing environment for their loved ones. They value loyalty and emotional intimacy, and their empathetic nature allows them to understand the needs and desires of their partner.

Pisces ascendant Cancer individuals are drawn to nurturing and caring professions where they can use compassion to help others. They have a natural affinity for the arts. They may find solace and expression in music, painting, or other creative outlets.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Cancer individuals possess a profound emotional depth and intuitive understanding. They are compassionate, nurturing, and deeply connected to their emotions and the emotions of those around them. Their sensitivity and empathy make them natural caregivers and creative souls who bring comfort and healing to others.

Pisces ascendant Leo

Pisces ascendant Leo

Pisces ascendant Leo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Leo is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination creates a unique blend of Pisces' sensitivity and intuition with Leo's boldness and charisma, resulting in individuals who possess a captivating and creative presence.

People with Pisces ascendant Leo have a magnetic and radiant aura that draws attention wherever they go. They possess a warm and generous nature, with a natural ability to shine in social settings. Their creative talents and artistic expression are amplified, and they have a natural flair for drama and performance.

These individuals are deeply compassionate and empathetic, often feeling a solid connection to the struggles and emotions of others. They are naturally inclined to help and uplift those around them, and their presence has a healing and calming effect on others.

Pisces ascendant Leo individuals are highly imaginative and possess a rich inner world. They deeply love the arts and may excel in creative fields such as music, theatre, or visual arts. Their emotional depth and ability to tap into universal emotions and experiences fuel their creativity.

They are loving and generous partners who seek romance and passion in relationships. They naturally desire to be admired and adored and thrive in relationships where they are valued and appreciated.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Leo individuals possess a unique blend of sensitivity, creativity, and charisma. They have a natural ability to uplift and inspire others with their warmth and generosity. Their artistic talents and radiant presence make them captivating individuals who leave a lasting impression on those they encounter.

Pisces ascendant Virgo

Pisces ascendant Virgo

Pisces ascendant Virgo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Virgo is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination creates a unique blend of Pisces' sensitivity and spirituality with Virgo's practicality and attention to detail.

Individuals with Pisces ascendant Virgo are compassionate and intuitive, with a strong desire to serve others. They possess a deep sense of empathy and are attuned to the needs of those around them. Their sensitive nature allows them to perceive the subtleties of emotions and the unspoken needs of others.

At the same time, they exhibit Virgo's analytical and meticulous qualities. They have a keen eye for detail and a systematic approach to their work. They strive for perfection and have a strong sense of responsibility and accountability.

Pisces ascendant Virgo individuals have a strong inclination towards healing and nurturing others. They may be drawn to careers in healthcare, counselling, or any field where they can make a difference in people's lives. Their practicality and attention to detail serve them well in organizing and managing tasks.

In relationships, they are caring and devoted partners. They value loyalty and commitment, and they seek emotional security and stability. They may be reserved in expressing their emotions but show their love through acts of service and support.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Virgo individuals embody a unique combination of sensitivity, practicality, and service. They deeply understand others' needs and possess the practical skills to address them. Their compassionate nature and attention to detail make them invaluable assets in any endeavour that involves caring for and helping others.

Pisces ascendant Libra

Pisces ascendant Libra

Pisces ascendant Libra refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Libra is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination blends the dreamy and compassionate energy of Pisces with Libra's harmonious and diplomatic nature, creating gentle, understanding individuals who strive for balance and harmony in their relationships and surroundings.

People with Pisces ascendant Libra have a natural charm and grace that draws others to them. They possess a deep sense of empathy and are highly attuned to the emotions and needs of those around them. They have a strong desire for peace and harmony and often act as mediators and peacemakers in their social circles.

These individuals are romantic at heart and strongly believe in love's power. They seek deep emotional connections in their relationships and are incredibly devoted to their partners. They have a gentle and compromising nature, always striving to find a middle ground and avoid conflicts.

Pisces ascendant Libra individuals have a solid artistic inclination and a creative mind. They are drawn to beauty in all forms and often find solace and inspiration in artistic pursuits. They have a deep appreciation for music, art, and aesthetics.

Spiritually, they are open-minded and naturally inclined towards mystical and spiritual practices. They have a deep connection to the unseen realms and may possess intuitive or psychic abilities. They are often seekers of higher wisdom and have a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Pisces ascendant Libra individuals are gentle, compassionate, and peace-loving souls. They possess a natural talent for creating harmony and beauty in their lives and relationships. Their artistic and intuitive nature brings a touch of magic to everything they do, and their presence has a calming effect on others.

Pisces ascendant Scorpio

Pisces ascendant Scorpio

Pisces ascendant Scorpio refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Scorpio is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination creates a complex and deep personality, blending Pisces's intuitive and compassionate nature with the intense and transformative energy of Scorpio.

Individuals with Pisces ascendant Scorpio are compassionate and empathetic. They possess a profound understanding of the human psyche and are highly perceptive of the emotions and motivations of others. Their intuitive nature allows them to easily navigate the depths of the human experience, often sensing the hidden truths beneath the surface.

These individuals are also characterized by their intense emotional depth and passion. They experience intense emotions, leading to profound transformations and rebirths. They have a mysterious and magnetic aura that draws others to them and creates intense connections.

Pisces ascendant Scorpio individuals possess a strong spiritual inclination and may be drawn to mystical or metaphysical practices. They have a deep connection to the unseen realms and may exhibit psychic or intuitive abilities. Their artistic and creative talents are often expressed through emotional and transformative art forms.

In relationships, they seek deep emotional connections and are highly loyal and devoted to their partners. However, they also require privacy and may guard their emotions closely. Trust is crucial in their relationships, as they value authenticity and depth.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Scorpio individuals embody a combination of sensitivity, intuition, and depth. They can navigate the complexities of life and emotions with grace and wisdom. Their intense nature and spiritual inclinations make them enigmatic and captivating individuals who bring profound transformation and emotional depth to their experiences.

Pisces ascendant Sagittarius

Pisces ascendant Sagittarius

Pisces ascendant Sagittarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Sagittarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination creates a unique blend of Pisces' dreamy and intuitive nature with Sagittarius' adventurous and expansive energy, resulting in individuals with a multifaceted and optimistic approach to life.

People with Pisces ascendant Sagittarius are imaginative and idealistic. They have a deep sense of spirituality and a natural inclination towards seeking higher truths and philosophical understanding. Their intuitive nature allows them to tap into the unseen realms and perceive the world through a lens of compassion and empathy.

These individuals possess a free-spirited and adventurous nature. They have a strong desire for exploration, both physically and intellectually. A quest for knowledge and wisdom drives them. They are open-minded and willing to embrace new experiences and cultures, often finding inspiration in the world's diversity.

Pisces ascendant Sagittarius individuals have a contagious optimism and enthusiasm that draws others to them. They possess a natural charisma and a talent for storytelling, sharing their experiences and wisdom with those around them. They have a broad perspective on life and are able to see the bigger picture, which helps them navigate through challenges with grace and resilience.

They value their freedom and independence in relationships but also seek a deep emotional connection. They are generous and supportive partners, always encouraging their loved ones to pursue their dreams and expand their horizons.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Sagittarius individuals embody a combination of spirituality, adventure, and optimism. They possess a deep empathy and an adventurous spirit that inspires them to explore the world and seek personal growth. Their ability to connect with others on a soulful level and their optimistic outlook make them uplifting and inspiring individuals.

Pisces ascendant Capricorn

Pisces ascendant Capricorn

Pisces ascendant Capricorn refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Capricorn is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination blends the dreamy and sensitive nature of Pisces with the practical and disciplined qualities of Capricorn.

People with Pisces ascendant Capricorn possess a unique blend of intuition, imagination, and ambition. Their aspirations drive them, and they have a strong sense of responsibility and determination. Despite their dreamy and compassionate Pisces nature, they also exhibit a practical and grounded approach to life, focusing on achieving long-term goals.

These individuals have a natural ability to navigate the realms of both imagination and reality, often finding success by merging their creative visions with practical strategies. They possess a strong work ethic, are disciplined, and can manifest their dreams into tangible results.

Pisces ascendant Capricorn individuals are often drawn to careers that allow them to impact the world, combining their compassion with their desire for structure and stability. They excel at bridging the gap between the spiritual and material realms, using their creativity and practicality to bring about positive change.

They can be devoted and reliable partners in relationships, balancing their emotional sensitivity with a strong sense of commitment. They value stability and security in their partnerships and strive to create a solid foundation for their loved ones.

Pisces ascendant Capricorn individuals possess a unique blend of sensitivity, ambition, and practicality. They can balance their dreams and imagination with a disciplined approach to achieving their goals. Their compassionate and driven nature allows them to make a significant impact in both their personal and professional lives.

Pisces ascendant Aquarius

Pisces ascendant Aquarius

Pisces ascendant Aquarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aquarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Pisces. This combination combines Pisces's compassionate and intuitive nature and Aquarius's intellectual and unconventional energy.

Individuals with Pisces ascendant Aquarius possess a unique blend of sensitivity and idealism with a forward-thinking and progressive mindset. They have a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others, often championing social causes and seeking to impact the world positively.

These individuals are highly intuitive and visionary, able to tap into the collective consciousness and bring forth innovative ideas. They are open-minded and embrace diversity, valuing individuality and celebrating differences. They have a strong sense of social justice and may be drawn to humanitarian or philanthropic pursuits.

Pisces ascendant Aquarius individuals have a natural inclination towards intellectual pursuits. They may excel in fields such as psychology, sociology, or technology. They are keenly interested in understanding the human experience and may be drawn to unconventional or alternative ways of thinking.

In relationships, they value friendship and intellectual connection. They seek partners who share their values and vision for a better world. They may sometimes tend to be emotionally detached, preferring to maintain a sense of independence and freedom.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Aquarius individuals embody the compassionate and visionary qualities of Pisces while embracing the intellectual and forward-thinking energy of Aquarius. They are dreamers and idealists who are driven to create positive change in the world, bringing together their intuitive and innovative abilities to make a difference.

Pisces ascendant Pisces

Pisces ascendant Pisces

Pisces ascendant Pisces refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Pisces is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while the Sun is also in Pisces. This combination intensifies the Piscean qualities, resulting in individuals who embody the essence of Pisces to a great degree.

People with Pisces ascendant Pisces are compassionate, empathetic, and intuitive. They have a heightened awareness of the emotions and energies surrounding them, making them highly attuned to the needs and feelings of others. These individuals possess a profound imagination and creativity, often expressing themselves through art, music, or other forms of artistic expression.

Pisces ascendant Pisces individuals have a deep connection to the spiritual realm and often possess a rich inner world. They are dreamers and idealists naturally inclined towards compassion, empathy, and selflessness. They strongly desire to help and heal others, often finding fulfillment in service-oriented professions.

These individuals may sometimes struggle with boundaries and self-identity as the emotions and energies of others highly influence them. They can easily absorb the feelings of those around them, making it essential to establish healthy boundaries and practice self-care.

In relationships, Pisces ascendant Pisces individuals are romantic and idealistic. They seek soulful connections and are often attracted to partners who share their spiritual and emotional depth. They are highly intuitive regarding heart matters but may also be prone to escapism or idealizing their partners.

Overall, Pisces ascendant Pisces individuals embody the essence of Pisces with their profound sensitivity, empathy, and spiritual nature. They deeply connect to their emotions and intuition, often channelling their energy into creative pursuits and compassionate endeavours.

What is an ascendant?

What is an ascendant?

In astrology, the Ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is one of the most significant elements in a birth chart. It represents the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the exact time and location of a person's birth. The Earth's rotation determines the Ascendant and changes approximately every two hours.

The Ascendant is crucial because it sets the tone for the entire birth chart and significantly influences a person's personality, physical appearance, and interactions with the world. It represents the individual's outward behaviour, demeanour, and the first impression they make on others. The Ascendant is like a filter through which the person's inner self, represented by the Sun and other planets in the chart, is projected onto the world.

We can observe the Ascendant's characteristics in a person's appearance, body language, and overall presence. It can affect physical attributes, such as height, build, facial features, and style. Additionally, the Ascendant influences one's approach to life, attitudes, and general outlook, including how they initiate new experiences and interact with the environment.

Each zodiac sign has unique qualities and attributes, and when combined with the Ascendant, they create a distinct personality blend. For instance, an individual with an Ascendant in Aries may exhibit assertiveness, impulsiveness, and a strong desire for independence. At the same time, someone with a Taurus Ascendant might display reliability, determination, and a preference for stability.

Understanding the Ascendant can provide valuable insights into an individual's self-presentation, behaviour, and the lens through which they experience life. However, it is essential to remember that the Ascendant is just one piece of the astrological puzzle. A comprehensive analysis involves considering the entire birth chart, including the positions of the Sun, Moon, and other planetary placements.