orbis cantus



Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the zodiac, represented by the scales. It is an air sign associated with balance, harmony, and relationships. People born under the sign of Libra are known for their diplomatic nature, fairness, and desire for justice.

According to astrologer Steven Forrest, the symbol of the scales represents that which is balanced within us, that which does not disturb us. It’s a perpetual pact with chaos.

Libra individuals have a strong sense of justice and strive to create harmony in their relationships and surroundings. They can naturally see both sides of a situation, making them excellent mediators and peacemakers.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, influencing their appreciation for art, beauty, and aesthetics. Libras have a refined taste and are often drawn to artistic and cultural endeavours.

The Libra personality is characterized by their social nature and desire for companionship. They thrive in partnerships and seek harmony and balance in their relationships. Libras are known for their charm, diplomacy, and ability to create a harmonious atmosphere wherever they go.

However, Libras sometimes need help with decision-making, as they carefully weigh both sides of a situation. They may also avoid conflict and prioritize maintaining peace over expressing their own needs.

In summary, Libra is an air sign known for its balance, harmony, and justice quest. Libras are diplomatic and social and value relationships. They appreciate beauty and possess a natural talent for creating peace and harmony in their surroundings.

Bright Side

The bright side

  • Diplomatic and fair-minded: Libra individuals are known for their diplomatic nature and ability to see multiple perspectives. They strive for fairness and justice.
  • Social and charming: They possess a natural charm and social grace, making them excellent at forming connections and fostering harmonious relationships.
  • Cooperative and compromising: Libras value cooperation and are skilled at finding common ground and compromising to maintain peace and harmony.
  • Appreciation for beauty and aesthetics: They have a strong appreciation for beauty in all forms and often have a keen eye for art, fashion, and design.
  • Balanced and harmonious: Libra individuals seek balance in their lives and relationships, aiming to create a sense of harmony and equilibrium.
Dark Side

The shadow side

  • Indecisive and people-pleasing: They may struggle with decision-making due to their desire to please others, often seeking external validation and approval.
  • Avoidance of conflict and confrontation: Libras have a strong aversion to conflict and may go to great lengths to avoid or suppress disagreements or difficult conversations.
  • Difficulty asserting personal needs: They may have a tendency to prioritize others’ needs over their own, sometimes neglecting their own desires or boundaries.
  • Superficial or indecisive in relationships: Libras can sometimes prioritize the idea of a romantic partnership over deeper emotional connections, leading to indecisiveness or superficiality.
  • Relying too much on others’ opinions: They may rely heavily on the opinions and advice of others, struggling to trust their own instincts and decision-making abilities.
Libra ascendant Aries

Libra ascendant Aries

Libra ascendant Aries refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aries is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Libra is the solar sign. This combination blends the powerful and independent energy of Aries with the diplomatic and relationship-oriented nature of Libra, resulting in individuals who have a unique approach to partnerships and personal identity.

People with Libra ascendant Aries have a strong sense of self and individuality. They are driven by a desire for personal freedom and independence and assert themselves confidently and enthusiastically. Their Aries influence makes them natural leaders, and they often take the initiative in various areas of life.

However, their Libra influence adds a harmonizing element to their personality. They value fairness, cooperation, and balance in their relationships. They are skilled at finding common ground and seeking compromises that benefit both parties. They approach relationships with a sense of diplomacy and strive for equality and mutual understanding.

Regarding their appearance and style, individuals with Libra ascendant Aries often have an eye for aesthetics. They may have a distinctive and fashionable sense of personal kind and appreciate the beauty in their surroundings. They may also have a natural charm and charisma that attracts others to them.

While Libra ascendant Aries individuals have many positive qualities, they may also face challenges. They may struggle with decision-making, as their Aries impulsiveness can clash with their Libra desire for balance. They need to find a middle ground and consider the perspectives of others while asserting themselves.

In summary, Libra ascendant Aries combines the powerful and independent energy of Aries with the diplomatic and relationship-oriented nature of Libra. These individuals have a unique partnership approach, valuing harmony, equality, and personal freedom. They have a strong sense of self and leadership qualities while being skilled negotiators and seeking compromises. Their style and appearance often reflect their aesthetic sensibilities. However, finding a balance between assertiveness and diplomacy may be a challenge for them.

Libra ascendant Taurus

Libra ascendant Taurus

Libra ascendant Taurus refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Taurus is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Libra is the solar sign. This combination blends the grounded and stable energy of Taurus with the harmonious and relationship-oriented nature of Libra, resulting in individuals who have a unique approach to personal identity and partnerships.

People with Libra ascendant Taurus have a calm and composed demeanour. They exude an aura of stability and reliability, and their approach to life is rooted in practicality and sensibility. They have a strong appreciation for beauty, aesthetics, and the finer things in life.

In relationships, they seek harmony and balance. They value loyalty, commitment, and long-lasting partnerships. They are willing to invest time and effort in building solid foundations and creating a harmonious environment. They have a natural charm and magnetic presence that attracts others to them.

These individuals are diplomatic and fair-minded. They have a strong sense of justice and are skilled at finding common ground and resolving conflicts. They approach decisions and challenges with a thoughtful and deliberate mindset, carefully considering all aspects before taking action.

Their style and appearance often reflect their appreciation for beauty and elegance. They may have a refined taste and a knack for creating a visually pleasing environment. They enjoy the comfort and security of material possessions and often surround themselves with objects that bring them a sense of pleasure and luxury.

While Libra ascendant Taurus individuals have many positive qualities, they may also encounter challenges. Their desire for stability and routine may make them resistant to change or overly cautious in taking risks. They may need to be mindful of becoming too complacent or indecisive, as their desire for balance can sometimes lead to inertia.

In summary, Libra ascendant Taurus combines the grounded and stable energy of Taurus with the harmonious and relationship-oriented nature of Libra. These individuals have a calm and reliable demeanour, valuing loyalty, commitment, and practicality in relationships. They have a natural sense of aesthetics and seek beauty in their surroundings. They are diplomatic, fair-minded, and value harmony. However, they may need to guard against becoming too resistant to change or overly cautious in their decision-making.

Libra ascendant Gemini

Libra ascendant Gemini

Libra ascendant Gemini refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Gemini is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Libra is the solar sign. This combination blends the intellectual and communicative energy of Gemini with the harmonious and relationship-oriented nature of Libra, resulting in individuals who are social, adaptable, and intellectually curious.

People with Libra ascendant Gemini have a charming and witty personality. They are natural communicators, able to engage others with their articulate and persuasive speech. They are genuinely interested in people and enjoy engaging in lively conversations and social interactions. They possess a broad range of interests and are often well-informed on various topics.

In relationships, they seek intellectual stimulation and a partner to engage them in meaningful conversations. They value mental connection and shared interests. They are open-minded and adaptable, willing to explore different perspectives and adapt to changing circumstances.

These individuals have a keen sense of fairness and justice. They strive for balance and harmony in their interactions with others, often acting as mediators and peacemakers in conflicts. They have a diplomatic approach, considering multiple viewpoints and seeking compromises.

Libra ascendant Gemini individuals have a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. They enjoy learning and may have diverse interests and hobbies. They are skilled at gathering information and synthesizing ideas, making them excellent problem-solvers.

However, they may need help with decision-making due to their indecisive nature. They can become easily distracted by various options and may need help to commit to a particular path. They may need to cultivate focus and prioritize their goals to avoid scattering their energy.

In summary, Libra ascendant Gemini combines the intellectual and communicative energy of Gemini with the harmonious and relationship-oriented nature of Libra. These individuals are social, adaptable, and possess excellent communication skills. They value intellectual stimulation, seek balance and fairness in relationships, and have a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. While they may face challenges with decision-making and focus, they can connect with others on a mental level and engage in meaningful conversations.

Libra ascendant Cancer

Libra ascendant Cancer

Libra ascendant Cancer refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Cancer is positioned on the eastern horizon at an individual's birth, while Libra is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive energy of Cancer with the harmonious and relationship-oriented nature of Libra, resulting in individuals who are empathetic, caring, and seek emotional harmony in their relationships.

People with Libra ascendant Cancer have a warm and compassionate personalities. They possess a deep emotional sensitivity and are attuned to the needs and feelings of others. They are naturally inclined to create a harmonious and nurturing environment in their relationships and surroundings.

In relationships, they prioritize emotional connection and seek a partner who can provide security and emotional support. They are committed and loyal, valuing stability and long-term partnerships. They are highly intuitive, able to understand and empathize with the emotions of those around them.

These individuals have a strong sense of justice and fairness. They strive to maintain balance and harmony in their interactions, acting as mediators and peacemakers. They are skilled at resolving conflicts and bringing people together.

Libra ascendant Cancer individuals have a nurturing and protective nature, often caring for others and providing emotional stability. They are deeply connected to their home and family, finding solace and comfort in domestic life.

However, they may struggle with indecisiveness and fluctuating emotions. They can be sensitive to criticism and may avoid confrontation to maintain harmony. They may need to develop boundaries and self-care practices to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the emotions of others.

In summary, Libra ascendant Cancer combines the nurturing and sensitive energy of Cancer with the harmonious and relationship-oriented nature of Libra. These individuals are empathetic and caring, and seek emotional harmony in their relationships. They value emotional connection, prioritize fairness and justice, and have strong nurturing and protective instincts. While they may face challenges with decision-making and emotional sensitivity, they can create a nurturing and harmonious environment for themselves and those around them.

Libra ascendant Leo

Libra ascendant Leo

Libra ascendant Leo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Leo is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while their Sun sign is Libra. This combination blends the harmonious and diplomatic nature of Libra with the confident and charismatic energy of Leo.

Individuals with Libra ascendant Leo possess a captivating presence and natural charm. They have a strong sense of self and exude warm, radiant energy that draws others to them. They have a flair for the dramatic and love to be the center of attention, often showcasing their creative talents and engaging personalities.

These individuals are known for their strong sense of justice and fairness, driven by their innate desire to create balance and harmony in their relationships and surroundings. They naturally can mediate conflicts and bring people together, using their diplomatic skills and charisma to bridge divides.

Libra ascendant Leo individuals are often highly social and enjoy being surrounded by friends and acquaintances. They thrive in social settings and are often seen as natural leaders, inspiring others with confidence and charisma.

In relationships, they seek partnership and companionship, valuing loyalty and generosity. They bring warmth and passion to their relationships and are devoted to their loved ones. They enjoy creating a harmonious and stylish home environment and appreciate the finer things in life.

Overall, Libra ascendant Leo individuals bring charm, confidence, and diplomacy to their interactions and relationships. They strive to create balance, fairness, and joy in their lives and have a natural ability to inspire and uplift those around them.

Libra ascendant Virgo

Libra ascendant Virgo

Libra ascendant Virgo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Virgo is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Libra is their solar sign. This combination blends the analytical and practical nature of Virgo with the balanced and relationship-oriented qualities of Libra, resulting in individuals who are meticulous, diplomatic, and strive for perfection.

People with Libra ascendant Virgo have a keen eye for detail and a systematic approach to life. They are methodical, organized, and possess excellent analytical skills. They have a strong sense of fairness and justice and value harmony in their relationships and surroundings.

In relationships, they seek balance and equality. They are thoughtful and considerate partners, always striving to meet the needs of their loved ones. They excel in communication and are diplomatic, helping them navigate conflicts and find compromises.

These individuals have a strong desire for order and cleanliness. They pay attention to minor details and take pride in their work. They possess a practical and discerning mindset, which enables them to make sound decisions and find practical solutions to problems.

Libra ascendant Virgo individuals are often drawn to fields that require precision and attention to detail, such as accounting, research, or design. They have a strong work ethic and strive for perfection in everything they do.

However, they may also struggle with perfectionism and self-criticism. They may put too much pressure on themselves to achieve unrealistic standards, leading to stress and anxiety. Learning to embrace imperfections and practicing self-compassion is essential for their overall well-being.

In summary, Libra ascendant Virgo combines the analytical and practical nature of Virgo with the balanced and relationship-oriented qualities of Libra. These individuals are meticulous, diplomatic, and strive for perfection. They value fairness, harmony, and balance in their relationships, work, and surroundings. While they may face challenges with perfectionism and self-criticism, they possess excellent analytical skills. They can create order and harmony in their lives.

Libra ascendant Libra

Libra ascendant Libra

Libra ascendant Libra refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Libra is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, resulting in Libra being both their Sun sign and their ascendant sign. This combination amplifies the inherent traits of Libra, making individuals with this ascendant doubly influenced by the sign's harmonious and diplomatic nature.

People with Libra ascendant Libra have a strong sense of balance, justice, and harmony. They are natural peacemakers and strive to create harmonious relationships and environments. Their charming and diplomatic demeanour makes them skilled at gracefully navigating social situations and resolving conflicts.

These individuals are highly attuned to aesthetics and sincerely appreciate beauty in all its forms. They have a keen eye for design, art, and fashion and are often drawn to creative pursuits. They have a natural sense of style and know how to create an excellent visual impact.

In their relationships, they prioritize equality and fairness. They seek partnerships that are balanced and mutually supportive. They value open communication and strive to maintain harmony and peace in their relationships.

Libra ascendant Libra individuals strongly desire justice and often advocate for causes that promote fairness and equality. They can see multiple perspectives and weigh different opinions, making them excellent mediators and diplomats.

However, they may need help with indecisiveness at times, as they carefully weigh all options before making a choice. They may also prioritize the needs of others over their own, sometimes neglecting their desires and boundaries in the process.

Overall, Libra ascendant Libra individuals embody the sign's essence in its purest form. They are diplomatic, harmonious, and have a strong sense of justice. They bring balance and beauty to their relationships and surroundings, and their natural charm and diplomacy make them highly adept at navigating social situations. They sincerely appreciate aesthetics and strive to create a harmonious and just world.

Libra ascendant Scorpio

Libra ascendant Scorpio

Libra ascendant Scorpio refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Scorpio is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Libra. This combination creates a unique blend of Libra's diplomacy and Scorpio's intensity, resulting in individuals who possess a compelling mix of charm, depth, and emotional intensity.

People with Libra ascendant Scorpio have a magnetic presence and an air of mystery. They have a captivating allure that draws others towards them and possess an innate ability to make deep connections with people. They are wise and intuitive, often able to read between the lines and uncover hidden truths.

These individuals have a strong sense of justice and fairness and are not afraid to confront injustices and fight for what they believe in. They possess a depth of emotions and a transformative nature that allows them to navigate through intense experiences with resilience and strength.

In relationships, they seek deep emotional connections and are fiercely loyal and committed. They value trust and intimacy and are not afraid to delve into the depths of their own and their partner's emotions. However, they may also tend to possessiveness and jealousy, as they can be protective of their loved ones.

Libra ascendant Scorpio individuals possess a keen sense of aesthetics. They may be drawn to dark or mysterious art, fashion, or music elements. They have an innate sense of style and may gravitate toward unique and unconventional expressions of beauty.

Overall, Libra ascendant Scorpio individuals possess a captivating blend of charm, intensity, and emotional depth. They have a strong sense of justice and are unafraid to delve into their emotions and uncover hidden truths. They bring an air of mystery and depth to their relationships and possess a transformative nature that allows them to navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength.

Libra ascendant Sagittarius

Libra ascendant Sagittarius

Libra ascendant Sagittarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Sagittarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Libra. This combination creates a unique blend of Libra's diplomacy and Sagittarius' adventurous spirit, resulting in individuals with a positive and expansive approach to life.

People with Libra ascendant Sagittarius are friendly, outgoing, and optimistic. They have a natural charm that draws others to them, and they are often seen as the life of the party. They possess a love for knowledge and exploration, and they are constantly seeking new experiences and expanding their horizons.

These individuals have a strong sense of justice and fairness and value honesty and authenticity. They are natural diplomats and peacemakers, always striving to find balance and harmony in their relationships and surroundings. They have a gift for seeing multiple perspectives and finding common ground.

Libra ascendant Sagittarius individuals have a love for adventure and travel. They enjoy exploring different cultures and philosophies, and they have a deep appreciation for diversity and multiculturalism. They possess a philosophical outlook and may be drawn to higher learning and spiritual pursuits.

In relationships, they seek freedom and independence while valuing a partner who shares their sense of adventure and intellectual curiosity. They enjoy stimulating conversations and intellectual debates and thrive in relationships where they can continue to grow and learn.

Overall, Libra ascendant Sagittarius individuals possess a dynamic and expansive approach to life. They have a natural charm and a love for adventure and exploration. They value justice, fairness, and authenticity and possess a philosophical outlook on life. Their friendly and outgoing nature and passion for knowledge and cultural experiences make them engaging and inspiring individuals.

Libra ascendant Capricorn

Libra ascendant Capricorn

Libra ascendant Capricorn refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Capricorn is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while the Sun is in Libra. This combination blends the harmonious and diplomatic nature of Libra with the disciplined and ambitious qualities of Capricorn.

People with Libra ascendant Capricorn are driven, practical, and goal-oriented. They possess a strong sense of responsibility and are known for their work ethic and determination. They have a natural ability to strategize and plan, allowing them to achieve their desired outcomes systematically and organizationally.

These individuals have a balanced approach to life, valuing harmony and success. They are skilled at navigating social situations and possess a sense of poise and grace. They value fairness and justice and often strive to create a sense of equilibrium in their personal and professional relationships.

Libra ascendant Capricorn individuals have a keen sense of ambition. They are willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve their goals. They have a practical mindset and are often focused on long-term stability and financial security. They possess a strong sense of duty and are often considered reliable and trustworthy.

In relationships, they value loyalty, stability, and commitment. They may appear reserved or cautious regarding matters of the heart. Still, they can be profoundly devoted and supportive partners once they feel secure. They seek a partner who shares their values and aspirations and who can provide a sense of stability and structure.

Overall, Libra ascendant Capricorn individuals possess a balanced and determined approach to life. They combine the diplomatic nature of Libra with the disciplined and ambitious qualities of Capricorn. They value fairness, responsibility, and stability and have a practical mindset that allows them to achieve their goals. Their ability to navigate social situations gracefully and their dedication to creating a sense of equilibrium make them respected and reliable individuals in their personal and professional lives.

Libra ascendant Aquarius

Libra ascendant Aquarius

Libra ascendant Aquarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aquarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Libra. This combination uniquely blends Libra's harmony-seeking nature and Aquarius' innovative and unconventional qualities.

People with Libra ascendant Aquarius are known for their independent and progressive mindset. They have a strong sense of social justice and equality. They are often at the forefront of advocating for humanitarian causes. They naturally connect with people from all walks of life and foster a sense of community.

These individuals love intellectual pursuits and enjoy engaging in deep conversations and debates. They are naturally curious about the world and want to understand different perspectives. Their open-mindedness and willingness to embrace new ideas make them excellent problem-solvers and creative thinkers.

Libra ascendant Aquarius individuals have a unique style and are often attracted to avant-garde or unconventional fashion and aesthetics. They value their individuality and may be rebellious, challenging societal norms and traditions.

They seek a partner who shares their progressive and independent nature in relationships. They value intellectual compatibility and stimulating conversations. They are supportive and open-minded, encouraging their partners to pursue their passions and interests.

Overall, Libra ascendant Aquarius individuals bring a refreshing and innovative energy to their interactions and endeavours. They possess a strong sense of social justice, a love for intellectual pursuits, and a desire to challenge the status quo. Their ability to bridge different perspectives and foster community makes them natural leaders and agents of change.

Libra ascendant Pisces

Libra ascendant Pisces

Libra ascendant Pisces refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Pisces is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth while the Sun is in Libra. This combination uniquely blends Libra's harmony-seeking nature and Pisces' intuitive and compassionate energy.

People with Libra ascendant Pisces are known for their gentle and empathetic nature. They have a deep sensitivity to the emotions and needs of others, and they are often drawn to helping and supporting others in their journey. They possess a strong sense of fairness and justice and strive to create a harmonious and balanced environment in their relationships and surroundings.

These individuals have a natural inclination toward art, creativity, and spirituality. They are deeply connected to their intuition and may possess psychic or intuitive abilities. They sincerely appreciate the beauty and seek to surround themselves with aesthetic and serene environments.

In relationships, they are romantic and idealistic. They seek deep emotional connections and may tend to prioritize their partner's needs. They are compassionate and understanding partners, striving to create a loving and harmonious union.

Libra ascendant Pisces individuals strongly desire peace and harmony in the world. They are often driven by compassion and a desire to impact others' lives positively. They may be drawn to artistic or humanitarian pursuits, using their creativity and empathy to bring about positive change.

Overall, Libra ascendant Pisces individuals possess a gentle and compassionate nature. They are intuitive and deeply connected to their emotions and the emotions of others. They are naturally inclined towards art, beauty, and spirituality and seek to create harmony and balance in their relationships and surroundings. Their empathetic and idealistic nature makes them nurturing and supportive partners and individuals who strive to make a positive difference in the world.

What is an ascendant?

What is an ascendant?

In astrology, the Ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is one of the most significant elements in a birth chart. It represents the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the exact time and location of a person's birth. The Earth's rotation determines the Ascendant and changes approximately every two hours.

The Ascendant is crucial because it sets the tone for the entire birth chart and significantly influences a person's personality, physical appearance, and interactions with the world. It represents the individual's outward behaviour, demeanour, and the first impression they make on others. The Ascendant is like a filter through which the person's inner self, represented by the Sun and other planets in the chart, is projected onto the world.

We can observe the Ascendant's characteristics in a person's appearance, body language, and overall presence. It can affect physical attributes, such as height, build, facial features, and style. Additionally, the Ascendant influences one's approach to life, attitudes, and general outlook, including how they initiate new experiences and interact with the environment.

Each zodiac sign has unique qualities and attributes, and when combined with the Ascendant, they create a distinct personality blend. For instance, an individual with an Ascendant in Aries may exhibit assertiveness, impulsiveness, and a strong desire for independence. At the same time, someone with a Taurus Ascendant might display reliability, determination, and a preference for stability.

Understanding the Ascendant can provide valuable insights into an individual's self-presentation, behaviour, and the lens through which they experience life. However, it is essential to remember that the Ascendant is just one piece of the astrological puzzle. A comprehensive analysis involves considering the entire birth chart, including the positions of the Sun, Moon, and other planetary placements.