orbis cantus



Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, representing the element of Water. People born under the sign of Cancer are known for their nurturing and protective nature. They are deeply emotional and value their family and home above all else.

The astrologer Steven Forrest is right when he talks about the symbol that represents this sign: the crab. It’s a vulnerable animal that surrounds itself with a shell. Cancer is both gentle and dedicated to survival, to protecting its sensibility and the things that make up its world.

Cancer individuals are highly intuitive and rely on their gut instincts to navigate life. They have a strong sense of empathy and often offer emotional support to others. They are naturally caring and create a warm and welcoming environment for their loved ones.

Home and family play a central role in a Cancer’s life. They are deeply connected to their roots and find comfort and security within their domestic sphere. They are naturally inclined towards creating a sense of stability and emotional safety for themselves and their loved ones.

Cancer individuals can be sensitive and may retreat into their protective shells when feeling overwhelmed. They may also be prone to mood swings and can be affected by the emotions of others.

In summary, Cancer individuals are nurturing, protective, and deeply emotional. They prioritize family and home and are known for their intuitive nature. They create a sense of emotional security and stability in their relationships and find comfort within their domestic sphere. However, they may need to guard against becoming too withdrawn or affected by the emotions of others.

Bright Side

The bright side

  • Nurturing and caring: Cancer individuals are known for their nurturing nature and deep care for others. They are often highly empathetic and compassionate.
  • Intuitive and empathetic: They possess strong intuitive abilities and are highly attuned to the emotions and needs of those around them.
  • Protective and loyal: Cancer individuals are fiercely protective of their loved ones and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.
  • Imaginative and creative: They have a rich inner world and a vivid imagination, often expressing their creativity through various artistic outlets.
  • Tenacious and resilient: Cancer individuals have a remarkable ability to bounce back from challenges and possess a strong sense of determination.
Dark Side

The shadow side

  • Overly sensitive and moody: They can be highly sensitive to perceived slights or criticism, leading to mood swings and emotional volatility.
  • Clingy and possessive: Cancer individuals may have a tendency to become clingy or overly attached in relationships, seeking security and emotional validation from others.
  • Indirect and passive-aggressive: They may struggle with direct communication and resort to passive-aggressive behaviors or emotional manipulation instead.
  • Prone to nostalgia and living in the past: Cancer individuals can have a strong attachment to the past and may struggle with letting go or moving forward.
  • Overprotective and risk-averse: They can be overly cautious and risk-averse, preferring to stay within their comfort zones and avoiding potential changes or uncertainties.
Cancer ascendant Aries

Cancer ascendant Aries

Cancer ascendant Aries refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aries is positioned on the eastern horizon at an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends Aries's powerful and dynamic energy with the sensitive and nurturing nature of Cancer, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of passion, emotional depth, and assertiveness.

People with Cancer ascendant Aries are driven, ambitious, and passionate. They strongly desire to protect and care for their loved ones and approach life enthusiastically and courageously. They are not afraid to take risks and assert themselves when needed.

These individuals have a deep emotional connection to their family and home, and they prioritize creating a secure and stable environment for their loved ones. They may exhibit solid protective instincts and can be fiercely loyal.

With Aries' assertiveness and Cancer's nurturing qualities, they can assert their needs and protect their boundaries while providing emotional support to others. They possess a natural charisma and can inspire and motivate those around them.

However, combining Aries' impulsive nature and Cancer's emotional sensitivity can sometimes lead to inner conflicts. They may need to learn how to balance their assertiveness with empathy and consider the emotional impact of their actions.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Aries combines the emotional depth of Cancer with the assertiveness and passion of Aries. These individuals are driven, ambitious, and passionate and approach life with courage and enthusiasm. They prioritize creating a secure and stable environment for their loved ones while asserting their needs and protecting their boundaries. They possess a natural charisma and can inspire others. However, they may need to balance their assertiveness and empathy to avoid conflicts.

Cancer ascendant Taurus

Cancer ascendant Taurus

Cancer ascendant Taurus refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Taurus is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth. At the same time, the Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the emotional sensitivity of Cancer with the grounded and true nature of Taurus, resulting in individuals who possess a strong sense of security and stability.

People with Cancer ascendant Taurus are profoundly nurturing and caring. They are naturally inclined to provide emotional support and create a harmonious environment for their loved ones. They value stability and security in their relationships and material possessions.

These individuals have a solid attachment to their home and family and prioritize creating a sense of comfort and coziness within their domestic sphere. They appreciate life's simple pleasures and find joy in indulging their senses.

With Taurus' practicality and Cancer's emotional depth, they possess a strong work ethic. They are motivated by a desire to provide for their loved ones. They are reliable, dependable, and can be quite resilient in the face of challenges.

However, the combination of Cancer's sensitivity and Taurus' possessiveness can sometimes lead to a tendency to hold onto past hurts or cling to material possessions. They may struggle with change and need to learn to let go and adapt.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Taurus combines the nurturing and emotional sensitivity of Cancer with the practicality and stability of Taurus. These individuals prioritize creating a secure and comfortable environment for themselves and their loved ones. They have a strong work ethic and are motivated by a desire to provide. While they can be possessive and resistant to change, they also possess great resilience and dependability.

Cancer ascendant Gemini

Cancer ascendant Gemini

Cancer ascendant Gemini refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Gemini is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the emotional depth of Cancer with the intellectual curiosity and versatility of Gemini, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of emotional sensitivity and mental agility.

People with Cancer ascendant Gemini are highly adaptable and enjoy engaging with various ideas and perspectives. They possess excellent communication skills and are adept at expressing emotions and thoughts. They have a quick wit and a natural curiosity about the world.

These individuals value emotional connections and seek intellectual stimulation in their relationships. They are highly social and enjoy engaging in meaningful conversations with others. They may have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

With Cancer's nurturing nature and Gemini's intellectual prowess, they deeply understand human emotions. They can provide comfort and support to others. They have a natural ability to adapt to different situations. They may excel in roles that require communication and emotional intelligence.

However, combining Cancer's emotional sensitivity and Gemini's need for variety can sometimes lead to internal conflicts. They may struggle to balance their emotional needs and their desire for intellectual stimulation.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Gemini combines the emotional depth of Cancer with the intellectual curiosity and adaptability of Gemini. These individuals possess excellent communication skills and enjoy engaging with various ideas and perspectives. They value emotional connections and seek intellectual stimulation in their relationships. They have a natural ability to adapt to different situations and provide comfort and support to others. However, they may need to balance their emotional needs and desire for intellectual variety.

Cancer ascendant Cancer

Cancer ascendant Cancer

Cancer ascendant Cancer refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Cancer is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth. Cancer is also in their first house. This combination intensifies the emotional and nurturing qualities of Cancer, creating individuals who are deeply connected to their emotions and prioritize the needs of their loved ones.

People with Cancer ascendant Cancer are compassionate and empathetic. They possess a solid nurturing instinct and find fulfillment in caring for others. Family and home are of utmost importance to them, and they create a warm and loving environment for their loved ones.

These individuals are deeply connected to their emotions and may experience intense mood swings. They have a rich inner world and are intuitive, often relying on their gut feelings to make decisions.

With Cancer in both their Sun and Ascendant, they may have a strong need for emotional security and may be protective of their boundaries. They value tradition and may firmly attach to their roots and family history.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Cancer combines the emotional and nurturing qualities of Cancer, intensifying the individual's sensitivity, empathy, and nurturing instincts. These individuals prioritize family and home, creating a warm and loving environment. They are deeply connected to their emotions, have a rich inner world, and rely on intuition in decision-making. Emotional security and tradition hold significant importance in their lives, and they may protect their boundaries.

Cancer ascendant Leo

Cancer ascendant Leo

Cancer ascendant Leo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Leo is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the confident and charismatic energy of Leo, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of warmth, creativity, and leadership qualities.

People with Cancer ascendant Leo have a strong sense of self and radiate a magnetic presence. They have a natural flair for expressing themselves and are often creative and artistic. Their warm and affectionate nature makes them natural caregivers who take pride in nurturing and protecting their loved ones.

These individuals have a strong desire for recognition and appreciation. They have a natural ability to lead and inspire others and often take on leadership roles effortlessly. Their confidence and charisma draw people towards them, and they have a natural talent for creating a sense of belonging and unity among those around them.

With Cancer's nurturing qualities and Leo's natural leadership abilities, they excel in roles that involve leading and guiding others with empathy and compassion. A deep sense of purpose often drives them, and they have a solid connection to their family and home.

However, Cancer's emotional sensitivity and Leo's desire for attention can sometimes create inner conflicts. They may need to balance seeking recognition and staying true to their authentic emotions.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Leo combines the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the confident and charismatic energy of Leo. These individuals possess a unique blend of warmth, creativity, and leadership qualities. They have a natural flair for self-expression and often excel in creative pursuits. They are natural caregivers and take pride in nurturing and protecting their loved ones. They have a strong desire for recognition and possess leadership abilities. However, they must balance seeking attention and staying true to their authentic emotions.

Cancer ascendant Virgo

Cancer ascendant Virgo

Cancer ascendant Virgo refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Virgo is positioned on the eastern horizon at an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the practical and analytical energy of Virgo, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of compassion, attention to detail, and a desire for emotional security.

People with Cancer ascendant Virgo are caring, empathetic, and meticulous in their approach to life. They have a strong sense of responsibility towards their loved ones and strive to create a harmonious and organized environment. They excel in providing practical support and helpful advice to those in need.

These individuals are deeply attuned to their emotions and have a keen eye for detail. They can naturally assess situations with clarity and analyze information effectively. Their practicality and attention to detail make them excellent problem solvers.

With Cancer's nurturing qualities and Virgo's practicality, they are adept at taking care of the emotional and physical needs of others. They have a strong sense of duty and are often considered reliable.

However, combining Cancer's emotional sensitivity and Virgo's perfectionism can sometimes lead to overthinking and self-criticism. They may need to balance their desire for order and ability to go with the flow.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Virgo combines the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the practical and analytical energy of Virgo. These individuals possess a unique blend of compassion, attention to detail, and a desire for emotional security. They excel in providing practical support and offering helpful advice to others. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are reliable. However, they may need to balance their desire for order and their ability to embrace spontaneity.

Cancer ascendant Libra

Cancer ascendant Libra

Cancer ascendant Libra refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Libra is positioned on the eastern horizon at an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the harmonious and diplomatic energy of Libra, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of emotional intelligence, charm, and a desire for balance and harmony.

People with Cancer ascendant Libra are compassionate and empathetic and have a natural ability to understand and connect with the emotions of others. They strive for harmonious relationships and are skilled at mediating conflicts and finding common ground. Their friendly and diplomatic demeanour makes them well-liked and approachable.

These individuals have a strong sense of fairness and justice and value partnerships and collaborations. They have a natural talent for creating balance and harmony in their surroundings. They often have an eye for aesthetics and appreciate beauty in all its forms.

With Cancer's nurturing qualities and Libra's desire for peace, they excel in nurturing and maintaining relationships. They prioritize the emotional well-being of their loved ones. They will go the extra mile to create a loving and harmonious home environment.

However, the combination of Cancer's emotional sensitivity and Libra's tendency to avoid conflict may sometimes make it challenging for them to assert their needs and boundaries. They may need to balance their desire to please others and their emotional well-being.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Libra combines the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the harmonious and diplomatic energy of Libra. These individuals possess a unique blend of emotional intelligence, charm, and a desire for balance and harmony. They are compassionate, empathetic, and skilled at understanding and connecting with the emotions of others. They value fairness and justice and strive for harmonious relationships. They excel in creating a sense of balance and beauty in their surroundings. However, they may need to balance their desire to please others and assert their own needs and boundaries.

Cancer ascendant Scorpio

Cancer ascendant Scorpio

Cancer ascendant Scorpio refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Scorpio is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the intense and transformative energy of Scorpio, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of emotional depth, intuition, and a strong sense of loyalty and protection.

People with Cancer ascendant Scorpio are deeply intuitive, wise, and emotionally complex. They have a heightened awareness of their own and others' emotions, which allows them to navigate the depths of human experience with great sensitivity. They naturally can uncover hidden truths and are skilled at reading between the lines.

These individuals have a strong sense of loyalty and are fiercely protective of their loved ones. They are not afraid to delve into their emotions and are willing to confront the darkness within themselves and others. Their emotional strength and resilience allow them to navigate life's challenges with determination and perseverance.

With Cancer's nurturing qualities and Scorpio's intensity, they excel in creating a safe and secure emotional environment for themselves and those around them. They are natural healers and are often drawn to careers or pursuits that involve helping others transform and heal deeply.

However, combining Cancer's sensitivity and Scorpio's tendency towards possessiveness and jealousy can sometimes lead to emotional turbulence. They may need to cultivate healthy boundaries and learn to channel their intense emotions constructively.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Scorpio combines the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the intense and transformative energy of Scorpio. These individuals possess a unique blend of emotional depth, intuition, and a strong sense of loyalty and protection. They are deeply intuitive and wise, with a heightened awareness of their and others' emotions. They excel in creating a safe and secure emotional environment and are natural healers. However, they may need to work on maintaining healthy boundaries and channelling their intense emotions constructively.

Cancer ascendant Sagittarius

Cancer ascendant Sagittarius

Cancer ascendant Sagittarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Sagittarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the adventurous and expansive energy of Sagittarius, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of emotional depth, optimism, and a quest for knowledge and experiences.

People with Cancer ascendant Sagittarius are driven by adventure and a thirst for new experiences. They have deep emotional intelligence and a natural curiosity about the world around them. They are optimistic and have a positive outlook on life, which allows them to approach challenges with resilience and enthusiasm.

These individuals are deeply connected to their emotions and possess strong intuition. They are reflective and philosophical, seeking meaning and purpose in their lives. They value personal growth and are often drawn to spiritual or intellectual pursuits.

With Cancer's nurturing qualities and Sagittarius' enthusiasm, they excel in creating a warm and inviting environment for themselves and others. They can naturally uplift those around them with their vibrant energy and infectious optimism. They value freedom and independence for themselves and their loved ones.

However, the combination of Cancer's emotional sensitivity and Sagittarius' love for freedom and exploration can sometimes create a conflict within them. They may need to find a balance between their need for security and their desire for adventure.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Sagittarius combines the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the adventurous and expansive energy of Sagittarius. These individuals possess a unique blend of emotional depth, optimism, and a quest for knowledge and experiences. They are driven by adventure and a thirst for new experiences. They have deep emotional intelligence and a natural curiosity about the world. They excel in creating a warm and inviting environment and have a positive outlook on life. However, they may need to balance their need for security and their desire for freedom and exploration.

Cancer ascendant Capricorn

Cancer ascendant Capricorn

Cancer ascendant Capricorn refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Capricorn is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the disciplined and ambitious energy of Capricorn, resulting in individuals who possess a unique blend of emotional depth, practicality, and a strong drive for success.

People with Cancer ascendant Capricorn are hardworking, responsible, and dedicated individuals. They have a strong sense of duty and are committed to achieving their goals. They possess a practical approach to life and are highly organized and structured. Their ability to balance emotions with a practical mindset allows them to navigate challenges with resilience and determination.

These individuals are deeply connected to their emotions and have a strong loyalty and commitment to their loved ones. They are dependable, often taking on the role of a caretaker or provider for their family and friends. They are nurturing and protective, creating a sense of stability and security for those around them.

With Cancer's nurturing qualities and Capricorn's ambition, they excel in creating a solid foundation for themselves and their endeavours. A desire for success and recognition drives them, and they are willing to work hard to achieve their goals. They have a strong work ethic and are often admired for their professionalism and reliability.

However, the combination of Cancer's emotional sensitivity and Capricorn's focus on practicality can sometimes create a conflict within them. They may struggle with balancing their emotional needs with their drive for success. They may need to find ways to prioritize self-care and emotional well-being.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Capricorn combines the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the disciplined and ambitious energy of Capricorn. These individuals possess a unique blend of emotional depth, practicality, and a strong drive for success. They are hardworking, responsible, and dedicated individuals who excel in creating a solid foundation for themselves and their endeavours. They possess a practical approach to life and are highly organized and structured. They are deeply connected to their emotions and have a strong sense of loyalty and commitment. However, they may need to find ways to balance their emotional needs with their drive for success and prioritize self-care.

Cancer ascendant Aquarius

Cancer ascendant Aquarius

Cancer ascendant Aquarius refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Aquarius is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the independent and unconventional energy of Aquarius, resulting in individuals who have a unique blend of emotional depth, humanitarian values, and a strong desire for personal freedom.

People with Cancer ascendant Aquarius are compassionate, caring, and highly idealistic. They possess a strong sense of social justice and are deeply concerned about the well-being of others. They have a unique ability to empathize with the struggles of different individuals. They are often drawn to causes that promote equality and fairness.

These individuals have a strong need for personal freedom and independence. They value their individuality and are unafraid to express their unique ideas and perspectives. They have a progressive and forward-thinking mindset, always seeking innovative solutions and challenging traditional norms.

With Cancer's nurturing qualities and Aquarius' humanitarian values, they often find themselves drawn to helping others and positively impacting society. They have a deep emotional connection to their friends and communities and thrive in environments that allow them to contribute to the greater good.

However, the combination of Cancer's emotional sensitivity and Aquarius' impersonal nature can sometimes create a conflict within them. They may struggle with balancing their need for emotional closeness with their desire for personal freedom. They may also find it challenging to express their emotions openly. They may prefer to keep a certain level of detachment in their relationships.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Aquarius combines the nurturing and sensitive nature of Cancer with the independent and unconventional energy of Aquarius. These individuals have a unique blend of emotional depth, humanitarian values, and a strong desire for personal freedom. They are compassionate, caring, and highly idealistic, always seeking to positively impact society. They value their individuality and are not afraid to challenge traditional norms. However, they may need to find ways to balance their emotional needs with their desire for personal freedom and navigate the potential conflicts that arise from their contrasting energies.

Cancer ascendant Pisces

Cancer ascendant Pisces

Cancer ascendant Pisces refers to the astrological configuration in which the zodiac sign Pisces is positioned on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual's birth, while Cancer is the solar sign. This combination blends the nurturing and emotional energy of Cancer with the intuitive and compassionate nature of Pisces, resulting in individuals who are deeply sensitive, empathetic, and attuned to the needs of others.

People with Cancer ascendant Pisces have a profound emotional depth and are highly intuitive. They possess a natural ability to understand and connect with the emotions of those around them. They are deeply compassionate and are often drawn to helping others and providing support. They are nurturing and selfless, always willing to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on.

These individuals have vivid imagination and are often dreamers. They possess a strong creative and artistic side and are drawn to art, music, and spirituality. They have a natural affinity for the mystical and the unseen. They may have a strong interest in exploring their spiritual side.

With their intuitive nature, Cancer ascendant Pisces individuals often have a strong sense of intuition. They can pick up on subtle energies and cues. They have a knack for understanding the unspoken needs and desires of others, making them excellent listeners and advisors.

However, their deep sensitivity can also make them vulnerable to absorbing the emotions and energies of others, which can sometimes lead to emotional overwhelm and a need for boundaries. They may need to practice self-care and create healthy boundaries to protect their emotional well-being.

In summary, Cancer ascendant Pisces combines the nurturing and emotional energy of Cancer with the intuitive and compassionate nature of Pisces. These individuals are compassionate, empathetic, and attuned to the needs of others. They possess a natural ability to understand and connect with emotions, making them excellent listeners and advisors. They have a vivid imagination and a solid creative and artistic side. However, they may need to set boundaries to protect their emotional well-being and practice self-care to avoid emotional overwhelm.

What is an ascendant?

What is an ascendant?

In astrology, the Ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is one of the most significant elements in a birth chart. It represents the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the exact time and location of a person's birth. The Earth's rotation determines the Ascendant and changes approximately every two hours.

The Ascendant is crucial because it sets the tone for the entire birth chart and significantly influences a person's personality, physical appearance, and interactions with the world. It represents the individual's outward behaviour, demeanour, and the first impression they make on others. The Ascendant is like a filter through which the person's inner self, represented by the Sun and other planets in the chart, is projected onto the world.

We can observe the Ascendant's characteristics in a person's appearance, body language, and overall presence. It can affect physical attributes, such as height, build, facial features, and style. Additionally, the Ascendant influences one's approach to life, attitudes, and general outlook, including how they initiate new experiences and interact with the environment.

Each zodiac sign has unique qualities and attributes, and when combined with the Ascendant, they create a distinct personality blend. For instance, an individual with an Ascendant in Aries may exhibit assertiveness, impulsiveness, and a strong desire for independence. At the same time, someone with a Taurus Ascendant might display reliability, determination, and a preference for stability.

Understanding the Ascendant can provide valuable insights into an individual's self-presentation, behaviour, and the lens through which they experience life. However, it is essential to remember that the Ascendant is just one piece of the astrological puzzle. A comprehensive analysis involves considering the entire birth chart, including the positions of the Sun, Moon, and other planetary placements.