I will call her "M." She contacted me in November 2019 as she struggled with mysterious head symptoms. She knew I did some astrology and wanted to know if we could see anything in her natal chart. I warned her on the spot that I knew nothing about medicine, let alone medical astrology.
She was confused. She was already being prescribed powerful drugs that impaired her thinking and concentration. However, she was soon diagnosed with an autoimmune disease of the brain, although the cause could not be explained.
I admit I felt helpless in front of his case and not well equipped to analyze her condition. At first, I also noticed in her chart that Uranus’s transit in sector XII made a powerful square with his natal Mars in sector IV. I also saw that Neptune was now in the X sector and that it had made, and would make, important transits in this family axis.
During one of the first conversations we had through Messenger, I asked her if she could provide me with some dates and important events in her life, as I suspected that the roots of her illness might be rooted in family history.
I was not left out. A few days later, I received the dates we will explore below. In recounting this series of events to me, and perhaps in confusion caused by her medication, she confessed to me that she perceived the present illness as a form of suicide. One never says such a thing lightly. Was this simply due to the delirium caused by the medication, or was it unknowingly opening the floodgates to a more profound evil?
A little over two and a half years have passed since our conversations. At first, I studied her chart and tried to comfort her. At the time, we were in the midst of a mystery about her illness, and I think the uncertainty still lingers. In the end, she was diagnosed with three autoimmune diseases. I don’t know more about it. M is in and out of the hospital for transfusions. She has also started giving herself transfusions.
We have thus concluded nothing with her natal chart, and I offer the present data for research purposes. However, one will be surprised to encounter often the theme of head injury and uterine, lymphatic and digestive trauma.
I repeat, I am a medical ignoramus.
First of all, let’s have a look at M’s natal chart. I won’t analyze it in depth, as I still consider myself a dilettante astrologer, and the experts in the field can comment. The time of birth is supposed to be accurate, but this may be subject to correction.
I include the planetoids Eris, Makemake and Haumea, as they seem to have a meaning in this birth chart.
M. has always been in the helping business, which is probably explained by the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in a wide trine with Neptune on the 6th. Saturn in a closed square with this exact Neptune could suggest constant work to achieve his ideals, probably exhausting her. Remember also that Jupiter is the ruler of excess. The planetoid Makemake has only recently entered the astrological imagination, and astrologers do not yet agree on its meaning. Some speak of militancy, while others associate it with Dionysian rites and Bacchic celebrations. In conjunction with Mars, and as opposed to Venus, in the MC/IV axis, we can think of a moving family dynamic linked to a liberating struggle.
In short, a nature that is undoubtedly generous itself is concerned about the fate of others (busy sector XI). Mercury and Chiron oppose the Haumea, Uranus and Pluto group. People born in the sixties all have this more or less close Uranus/Pluto conjunction. This synod occurred during the Vietnam crisis, the great upheavals in society. People born during this period possess this imprint of non-conformism and a rebellious aspiration for authenticity in the face of tectonic forces. At M’s birth, this conjunction was opposite Mercury and Chiron, which suggests that she had an antenna for injustice, a great nervousness, and an untimely character. Mercury, the ruler of the ascendant, is not at ease in Pisces, and one can think that M’s thirst for knowledge may have been a mixture of diffuse and spontaneous aspirations. The theme of combat, of struggle, never seems to be far away in M.
Venus and Saturn share the Midheaven. Venus in Aquarius presupposes a desire to connect with the world initially through friendly contact. However, this same Venus faces Mars. Some astrological indicators give M a strong desire for security. This can be contradictory here with this complex family axis. There is some form of physical, visceral violence in the family.
M’s mother would have confessed to her that she had become pregnant because she wanted to keep the father close to her... We will see that this "violence" or "energy" manifested itself several times during M’s life. Let us reiterate here that the illness announced in 2019 occurred at the square of Uranus with the family Mars...
Finally, let us note the distribution of the elements in M.
6 points in Air, 5 in Water, 2 in Earth, 1 in Fire.
According to Arroyo, an imbalance of Fire indicates, one imagines, a lack of vitality and problems with the "fusion" of energy, especially in the digestive system. The joy of living may not always be there. Here again, we see a great contrast with the tectonic forces of the personality. On the other hand, the importance of water and air gives M the ability to express, understand, and feel emotions, which will be an asset during his career. The modality notably accentuates this: 2 planets in cardinal signs, 4 in fixed, 8 in mutable. Once again, great malleability and flexibility at the expense of more direct action. Mars, Uranus, and Pluto were retrograde at birth, and Makemake and Haumea suggest a significant internalization of the family complex facing more direct elements surrounding the opposite sector.
The dates we will quickly review will be helpful to any astrologer wishing to explore the significance of the stars involved. I do not claim to have observed everything. One can quickly get lost in the abundance of data. I have been content to explore mainly the transits and primary directions. M has provided the dates, which are generally quite negative in tone. This may be due to the timing of the dates, which tint the memory.
Hospitalization for gastroenteritis + bilateral cervical adenopathy + broncho-pneumonic infiltration.
It is certainly not M who remembers this episode, and she will have been told about it. We can already see the gastric and lymphatic problems. Pluto is at the Moon/Mars midpoint. According to Ebertin, there are sporadic imbalances within the female organism.
This midpoint is crucial. According to Renn Butler :
If there were a basis for psychological exploration, it would be in these tumultuous roots that one would have to begin.
Intense and primal emotional depths, natural courage and willpower, strong instincts toward inner transformation, and a need to let one’s emotional volcano blow periodically in safe contexts. A propensity for severe emotional reactions and outbursts, dark or aggressive situations that push one’s inner buttons, and hurting oneself or others by pushing too hard.
Uranus's very early arrival on this point will undoubtedly have left its mark throughout M’s existence.
M’s sister suffers from trichotillomania: she compulsively pulls out her hair. The mother asked M to watch her sister at night.
What a trauma for a five-year-old to have to watch her sister pulling out her hair! I don’t have the exact date of this event. At the beginning of 1968, Mars was ascending and returning to its natal position in summer. Pluto opposed the Sun. Note this recurring theme of head injury, accidents and burns.
Hospitalization-surgery: Tonsillectomy + adenoidectomy
In short, her tonsils were removed, and vegetation in his throat was treated. I don’t know if it should be noted here, but I wanted to stay as close as possible to the memories given. Note, however, the conjunction of Saturn to the progressed Sun in the 12th.
Death of paternal grandfather.
This is the kind of event that can help with rectification. M made a point of listing each of her grandparents’ deaths, again emphasizing the family axis.
Death of maternal grandfather.
Mesenteric adenitis is an inflammatory disease of the lymph nodes around the digestive system (mesenteric nodes).
For the midpoint, Ebertin wrote: Weakened or abnormal glandular activity.
Start of a relationship with N, which will last 30 years.
It is interesting to read the signature of Pluto and Neptune in this early relationship. Venus had just crossed the ascendant
I have no further comment from M on this event, but I imagine it was significant considering the avalanche of transits and parallelisms. Considering also that the union with N was only a year old, can we talk about a gap or even a disillusionment? That would be asking.
M has not entered anything for this year. I do note the progression of Uranus opposite the Sun and the progression of the Sun over Eris.
in VII!)
changes sign
Surgery, right ear tear (Sep), Common-law union with N (October 1st)
It is interesting to note this transit of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in a square with Mercury. Let’s remember that in 1983, de facto unions were only at their beginning, which denotes here M’s independent character and her desire to distance herself from the norms despite a constant desire for security.
Hospitalization, Headache + Asthma, 1st inhalation therapy
She bought her first house
(Solar arc progression) 1º passed, 1st passage October 1988, 2nd retrograde passage July 1988, direct August 1988)
Death of maternal grandmother (1 May) (very important woman)
Death of father-in-law
Repeated asthma attacks + lung infection (for several months)
Pluto’s transit has lingered long on this year’s progressed Moon. This period could be a good test for rectification.
Death of his brother.
Head trauma (axe to the head). Several months of convalescence.
This could not be a more Martian and Plutonian event! This trauma is certainly not alien to what may have happened in 2019...
Progressed Saturn is still in an orb with the Sun (work stoppage), while progressed Neptune announces its square with the Sun star (2º).
As no event has been listed for this date, which, in theory, could be pivotal, we still have an opportunity to make a chart rectification. Neptune was about to conjoin MC in 2000, too...
Diagnosis of tachycardia + arrhythmia. She started meditation
Neptune officially crossed the MC in 2000-2001, indicating that the disease was taking root before it was declared a little later. Saturn dipped below the ascendant.
Death of her mother-in-law (Alzheimer + cancer). Full-time involvement for several months.
Her sister attempts suicide, stays in the hospital, and then comes to live with M. Her sister is diagnosed with paranoia.
Father diagnosed with macular degeneration (blindness), loss of his independence (spring)
The beginning of a series of numerous strokes for her mother, with after-effects (spring)
Sale of the family home (summer)
Suicide of his sister (17 November 17:00)
Endometriosis surgery (uterus) (26 December)
This intense year is under the passage of Saturn in IV and Pluto in VIII (Placidus)
(Solar arc)
She met a friend she describes as precious.
Separation from spouse after 30 years (on her birthday).
Started University full time (August) until 2010 (new lifestyle, student life, new circle of friends, new horizons, etc.)
Start of meeting with a psychologist (September)
Mass in left breast (mars). End of university (Obtaining diploma in April). Start of employment (April).
May: Motorbike accident. Fracture of skull, jaw, loss of hearing, leg, arm, etc. (3 years without working)
Start of stomach problems (February). Some new links during the summer (health friends).
New somewhat "tumultuous" relationship (August 16th) that will last three years (October 6th, 2014).
Surgery, anterior cruciate ligament rupture left knee (2010 accident) (October 18th).
Start of employment in a social integration enterprise, Director of Human Resources and Professional Integration (July 23)
Colposcopy, cervical lesions (March 20th)
Almost complete cut of the left middle finger tendon. 2 surgeries, infections, physio, etc.
Total loss of her car (ordinary accident without personal injury) (October 6th)
End of the "tumultuous" 3-year relationship (October 6th)
Start of intramuscular injections of the masseter and right temporal muscle for temporomandibular dysfunction (2010 accident)
Neptune has begun its passage over the large stellium Mercury, Chiron, Sun and Jupiter.
Cosmetic surgery + lipo graft, face scar correction (June 16th): 2 surgeries, infections.
Surgery, left median arm neuropathy, infection (2010 accident) (November).
The beginning of a destructive, passionate relationship that will last three years (May 27th). Secret relationship.
Death of his precious friend (June 18th)
Laser treatment on the face, infection, antibiotic (2010 accident)
(solar arc)
Mother’s cancer diagnosis (May)
Major infection of an impacted tooth. Antibiotic, morphine, Extraction (June, July)
3rd degree burn, right hand + infection (August, September)
Constant harassment by an employee (August to December). The employee will eventually be dismissed.
(solar arc)
Back pain, L5 fused to the sacrum, 1st symptoms depressive state, monthly medical follow-up (January)
Start of meetings with a psychologist (February 22nd)
Important stomach problem, start investigation: duodenum and stomach biopsies.
Abdominal ultrasound, gastroscopy, endoscopy, CT, etc. (February to December)
Diagnosis of right lateral epicondylitis, prescription of splint (March 15th)
Without wishing to be psychoanalytical, it is revealing that Neptune is active in several aspects and that the predicted depression ends in a significant health crisis the following year.
End of destructive passionate relationship (February) (duration 3 years)
Start of sick leave (April 4th)
Claudication of the jaw (August)
Onset of pain and stiffness (August)
Diagnosis autoimmune disease 1, autoimmune disease 2 (October 11th)
Diagnosis of autoimmune disease 3 (October 29th)
Temporal biopsy (October 30th)
Note the extensive parallelism . This will be effective until 2040.
Progression of the disease, uncertain future
Death of the mother.
I recall that this article was intended to document the dates presented by M. It is quite possible that essential passages are not reported. The accumulation of data can become dizzying. There is always the risk that mere statistical coincidence will distort the results. Nevertheless, the events of 2019 and the prolonged slide into chronic illness can be described as a long process of ego dissolution, a form of transcendence. is quite remarkable here.
Neptune transited her natal Jupiter in 2023, which brought her the inner breath toward spirituality.
Chiron opposed the Moon in 2023, probably representing a cauterization period (should we see 1973 and 1996 for a better understanding of this cycle?).
For my part, I will always be fascinated by the accuracy of the astrological clock. Our challenge as astrologers is not to sink into circular verbosity. To do this, careful documentation of lives, not just the famous ones, can help us to read the time well.